Search Census Archive

Heading: Statistics For Districts And Counties

Farms and farm characteristics, by size of farm: Census of 1960

Farms and farm characteristics, by tenure of operator: Census of 1960

Tree crops - farms reporting, number of trees or plants, and quantity harvested, by districts and counties: Censuses of 1960 and 1950

Field crops and vegetables - farm reporting, acreage, and quantity harvested, by districts and counties: 1959 and 1949

Livestock and poultry on farms, April 1, by districts and counties: Censuses of 1960 and 1950

Farms and farm acreage by tenure of operator, by districts and counties: Censuses of 1960 and 1950

Farms and farm acreage by size of farm, by districts and counties: Censuses of 1960 and 1950

Livestock and poultry on farms, by kind: Censuses of 1930 to 1960

Tree crops - number of trees or plants: Censuses of 1930 to 1960

Population and number of farms, 1930 to 1960; land area and land in farms, by districts and counties: Censuses of 1960 and 1950

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