1997 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE HIGHLIGHTS OF AGRICULTURE: 1997 AND 1992 ANDREW COUNTY, MISSOURI Item ALL FARMS 1997 1992 Farms .........................number.. 820 830 Land in farms ..................acres.. 226 725 227 156 Average size of farm .......acres.. 276 274 Value of land and buildings@1: Average per farm .........dollars.. 320 943 226 770 Average per acre .........dollars.. 1 174 775 Estimated market value of all machinery and equipment@1 Average per farm .........dollars.. 47 185 48 816 Farms by size: 1 to 9 acres ........................ 22 34 10 to 49 acres ...................... 129 141 50 to 179 acres ..................... 325 295 180 to 499 acres .................... 217 219 500 to 999 acres .................... 92 99 1,000 acres or more ................. 35 42 Total cropland .................farms.. 771 770 acres.. 177 991 179 227 Harvested cropland ...........farms.. 660 718 acres.. 130 593 130 846 Irrigated land .................farms.. 8 14 acres.. 106 937 Market value of agricultural products sold................$1,000.. 40 440 38 441 Average per farm .........dollars.. 49 318 46 314 Crops, including nursery and greenhouse crops............$1,000.. 28 316 21 067 Livestock, poultry, and their products....................$1,000.. 12 125 17 374 Farms by value of sales: Less than $2,500 .................... 174 131 $2,500 to $4,999 .................... 83 96 $5,000 to $9,999 .................... 110 109 $10,000 to $24,999 .................. 148 174 $25,000 to $49,999 .................. 96 130 $50,000 to $99,999 .................. 93 78 $100,000 or more .................... 116 112 Total farm production expenses.$1,000.. 28 663 27 166 Average per farm .........dollars.. 34 955 32 730 Operators by principal occupation: Farming ............................. 411 469 Other ............................... 409 361 Operators by days worked off farm: Any ................................. 451 449 200 days or more ................... 316 288 Livestock and poultry: Cattle and calves inventory...farms.. 461 476 number.. 24 598 24 923 Beef cows ..................farms.. 375 381 number.. 10 980 9 814 Milk cows ..................farms.. 36 45 number.. 1 630 2 107 Cattle and calves sold .......farms.. 453 457 number.. 12 983 13 708 Hogs and pigs inventory ......farms.. 65 169 number.. 11 463 37 194 Hogs and pigs sold ...........farms.. 69 170 number.. 23 979 71 995 Sheep and lambs inventory ....farms.. 25 37 number.. 1 137 1 479 Layers and pullets 13 weeks old and older inventory.............farms.. 34 46 number.. 1 396 2 268 Broilers and other meat-type chickens sold...............farms.. 0 3 number.. 0 30 Selected crops harvested: Corn for grain or seed .......farms.. 349 397 acres.. 45 327 41 620 bushels.. 5 289 001 5 093 952 Corn for sil or green chop....farms.. 25 36 acres.. 694 1 028 tons, green.. 7 366 12 830 Sorghum for grain or seed.....farms.. 13 70 acres.. 599 3 981 bushels.. 48 150 320 648 Wheat for grain ..............farms.. 62 134 acres.. 2 620 4 316 bushels.. 112 886 156 842 Cotton .......................farms.. 0 0 acres.. 0 0 bales.. 0 0 Soybeans for beans ...........farms.. 423 451 acres.. 65 091 62 057 bushels.. 2 453 589 2 255 286 Hay-alf, other, wild, silage..farms.. 437 469 acres.. 19 403 20 336 tons, dry.. 45 101 47 594 @1Data are based on a sample of farms. Legend: (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms (X) Not applicable (Z) Less than half the unit shown (NA) Not available Source: 1997 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1 Geographic Area Series, "Table 1. County Summary Highlights: 1997." This electronic series presents summary statistics for each county and State together with comparable data from the 1992 census. The items included are the same for all States and counties, except selected crops harvested, which vary by State. Data for 1997 and 1992 are directly comparable for acreage and inventories. Dollar values have not been adjusted for changes in price levels. You can obtain the Volume 1 Geographic Area Series from the National Technical Information Service. If you have any questions concerning the data in this report or need additional information or order forms for agriculture publications, please call the National Agricultural Statistics Service at 1-800-523-3215 or 1-800-727-9540.