Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Idaho

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 22,314 3,345,864 (X) 100.0
Cattle and calves 11,684 910,805 1 27.2
Other crops 2,148 813,238 2 24.3
Dairy products 1,056 557,339 3 16.7
Wheat 5,171 346,339 4 10.4
Hay, silage, and field seeds 7,647 255,141 5 7.6
Barley 3,613 140,145 6 4.2
Other grains 1,625 67,179 7 2.0
Nursery and greenhouse crops 706 57,189 8 1.7
Other livestock and livestock products 2,335 54,571 9 1.6
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 641 50,636 10 1.5
Sheep, lambs, and wool 1,077 29,977 11 0.9
Fruits, nuts, and berries 287 24,408 12 0.7
Corn for grain 590 17,592 13 0.5
Poultry and poultry products 412 15,000 14 0.4
Hogs and pigs 573 4,473 15 0.1
Oats 298 1,832 16 0.1

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