Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Michigan

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 46,027 3,567,825 (X) 100.0
Dairy products 3,696 645,713 1 18.1
Nursery and greenhouse crops 3,548 478,448 2 13.4
Corn for grain 13,864 470,240 3 13.2
Soybeans 12,516 375,311 4 10.5
Cattle and calves 14,293 276,971 5 7.8
Fruits, nuts, and berries 3,027 231,595 6 6.5
Hogs and pigs 2,690 228,488 7 6.4
Other crops 1,725 189,569 8 5.3
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 2,494 183,645 9 5.1
Poultry and poultry products 1,442 169,053 10 4.7
Other grains 2,667 92,735 11 2.6
Wheat 8,875 89,407 12 2.5
Hay, silage, and field seeds 10,938 83,225 13 2.3
Other livestock and livestock products 3,625 41,968 14 1.2
Sheep, lambs, and wool 1,543 5,911 15 0.2
Oats 1,804 4,311 16 0.1
Barley 295 1,180 17 (Z)
Tobacco 3 34 18 (Z)
Sorghum for grain 6 22 19 (Z)

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