Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Minnesota

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 73,367 8,290,264 (X) 100.0
Corn for grain 32,411 1,578,147 1 19.0
Hogs and pigs 7,717 1,449,187 2 17.5
Soybeans 31,233 1,433,590 3 17.3
Dairy products 9,554 1,093,657 4 13.2
Poultry and poultry products 1,972 744,210 5 9.0
Cattle and calves 30,320 742,357 6 9.0
Other crops 2,014 414,408 7 5.0
Wheat 9,466 266,583 8 3.2
Nursery and greenhouse crops 1,242 153,313 9 1.8
Hay, silage, and field seeds 15,351 119,207 10 1.4
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 2,999 97,155 11 1.2
Other grains 2,149 80,358 12 1.0
Other livestock and livestock products 3,033 43,802 13 0.5
Barley 2,927 38,440 14 0.5
Sheep, lambs, and wool 2,672 16,081 15 0.2
Oats 4,397 10,613 16 0.1
Fruits, nuts, and berries 580 8,990 17 0.1
Sorghum for grain 28 168 18 (Z)

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