Market Value of Agricultural Sales for New Mexico

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 14,094 1,617,708 (X) 100.0
Cattle and calves 8,094 647,440 1 40.0
Dairy products 182 463,423 2 28.6
Hay, silage, and field seeds 2,926 118,808 3 7.3
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 524 88,776 4 5.5
Nursery and greenhouse crops 245 48,409 5 3.0
Fruits, nuts, and berries 1,114 43,560 6 2.7
Cotton and cottonseed 458 38,956 7 2.4
Other crops 117 37,830 8 2.3
Corn for grain 230 36,904 9 2.3
Wheat 696 26,645 10 1.6
Sheep, lambs, and wool 840 16,997 11 1.1
Poultry and poultry products 254 16,306 12 1.0
Sorghum for grain 461 16,236 13 1.0
Other livestock and livestock products 1,312 10,463 14 0.6
Other grains 77 4,933 15 0.3
Hogs and pigs 246 900 16 0.1
Barley 20 850 17 0.1
Oats 44 242 18 (Z)
Soybeans 3 28 19 (Z)

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