Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Oregon

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 34,030 2,969,194 (X) 100.0
Nursery and greenhouse crops 4,195 676,429 1 22.8
Cattle and calves 15,980 480,260 2 16.2
Hay, silage, and field seeds 8,396 444,541 3 15.0
Fruits, nuts, and berries 3,764 307,917 4 10.4
Other crops 851 231,918 5 7.8
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 1,432 213,101 6 7.2
Dairy products 540 207,871 7 7.0
Wheat 2,514 196,483 8 6.6
Poultry and poultry products 1,279 99,215 9 3.3
Other livestock and livestock products 3,933 36,303 10 1.2
Sheep, lambs, and wool 3,022 25,806 11 0.9
Barley 655 16,377 12 0.6
Corn for grain 199 14,756 13 0.5
Other grains 222 7,137 14 0.2
Hogs and pigs 1,182 5,544 15 0.2
Oats 470 5,537 16 0.2

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