Market Value of Agricultural Sales for South Carolina

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 20,189 1,588,173 (X) 100.0
Poultry and poultry products 882 587,774 1 37.0
Tobacco 1,274 205,570 2 12.9
Nursery and greenhouse crops 766 144,313 3 9.1
Cotton and cottonseed 891 134,290 4 8.5
Cattle and calves 9,287 76,008 5 4.8
Soybeans 3,004 73,699 6 4.6
Corn for grain 2,913 69,856 7 4.4
Hogs and pigs 1,031 64,550 8 4.1
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 1,039 59,313 9 3.7
Dairy products 201 54,535 10 3.4
Wheat 2,103 44,498 11 2.8
Fruits, nuts, and berries 614 33,037 12 2.1
Hay, silage, and field seeds 2,753 14,308 13 0.9
Other livestock and livestock products 1,489 14,083 14 0.9
Other crops 288 9,812 15 0.6
Other grains 183 1,184 16 0.1
Oats 272 815 17 0.1
Sorghum for grain 40 239 18 (Z)
Barley 36 171 19 (Z)
Sheep, lambs, and wool 127 119 20 (Z)

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