Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Tennessee

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 76,818 2,178,389 (X) 100.0
Cattle and calves 49,234 426,261 1 19.6
Poultry and poultry products 1,552 293,222 2 13.5
Soybeans 4,913 245,375 3 11.3
Nursery and greenhouse crops 1,846 213,365 4 9.8
Dairy products 1,377 209,378 5 9.6
Cotton and cottonseed 1,156 207,709 6 9.5
Tobacco 14,944 188,584 7 8.7
Corn for grain 4,209 145,227 8 6.7
Hogs and pigs 1,579 72,005 9 3.3
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 1,149 49,478 10 2.3
Wheat 2,313 43,022 11 2.0
Hay, silage, and field seeds 13,699 39,508 12 1.8
Other livestock and livestock products 5,103 32,721 13 1.5
Fruits, nuts, and berries 496 5,792 14 0.3
Other crops 309 3,032 15 0.1
Sorghum for grain 102 1,351 16 0.1
Sheep, lambs, and wool 602 1,128 17 0.1
Other grains 42 1,104 18 0.1
Barley 14 70 19 (Z)
Oats 33 57 20 (Z)

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