Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Vermont

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 5,828 476,343 (X) 100.0
Dairy products 1,823 352,556 1 74.0
Cattle and calves 2,958 35,859 2 7.5
Other livestock and livestock products 408 21,092 3 4.4
Nursery and greenhouse crops 665 18,588 4 3.9
Hay, silage, and field seeds 1,649 14,085 5 3.0
Fruits, nuts, and berries 248 10,287 6 2.2
Other crops 1,270 9,108 7 1.9
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 333 6,549 8 1.4
Poultry and poultry products 303 5,699 9 1.2
Sheep, lambs, and wool 419 1,003 10 0.2
Corn for grain 43 609 11 0.1
Hogs and pigs 140 543 12 0.1
Soybeans 14 148 13 (Z)
Other grains 20 100 14 (Z)
Wheat 11 91 15 (Z)
Oats 11 (D) 16 (D)
Barley 1 (D) 17 (D)

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