Market Value of Agricultural Sales for Virginia

Item Farms Sales ($1,000) Rank Percent of Total
Total sales 41,095 2,343,518 (X) 100.0
Poultry and poultry products 1,775 760,221 1 32.4
Cattle and calves 26,350 389,787 2 16.6
Dairy products 1,296 271,855 3 11.6
Tobacco 5,866 187,358 4 8.0
Nursery and greenhouse crops 1,671 166,411 5 7.1
Soybeans 3,101 77,911 6 3.3
Hogs and pigs 823 77,478 7 3.3
Corn for grain 2,811 70,480 8 3.0
Other crops 1,076 64,982 9 2.8
Other livestock and livestock products 2,488 59,423 10 2.5
Wheat 2,798 47,953 11 2.0
Vegetables, sweet corn, and melons 1,008 45,704 12 2.0
Cotton and cottonseed 439 42,342 13 1.8
Fruits, nuts, and berries 751 34,606 14 1.5
Hay, silage, and field seeds 7,494 34,306 15 1.5
Barley 574 6,713 16 0.3
Sheep, lambs, and wool 1,391 4,655 17 0.2
Sorghum for grain 112 837 18 (Z)
Oats 124 273 19 (Z)
Other grains 88 222 20 (Z)

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