1992 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE HIGHLIGHTS OF AGRICULTURE: 1992 AND 1987 TOM GREEN COUNTY, TEXAS Item ALL FARMS 1992 1987 Farms .........................number.. 857 867 Land in farms ..................acres.. 1 020 756 1 014 367 Average size of farm .......acres.. 1 191 1 170 Value of land and buildings@1: Average per farm .........dollars.. 555 452 569 025 Average per acre .........dollars.. 464 456 Estimated market value of all machinery and equipment@1 Average per farm .........dollars.. 47 694 42 390 Farms by size: 1 to 9 acres ........................ 100 97 10 to 49 acres ...................... 175 195 50 to 179 acres ..................... 128 132 180 to 499 acres .................... 136 134 500 to 999 acres .................... 98 120 1,000 acres or more ................. 220 189 Total cropland .................farms.. 648 677 acres.. 214 917 207 948 Harvested cropland ...........farms.. 504 533 acres.. 143 886 125 523 Irrigated land .................farms.. 264 244 acres.. 33 221 26 083 Market value of agricultural products sold................$1,000.. 78 628 75 599 Average per farm .........dollars.. 91 748 87 196 Crops, including nursery and greenhouse crops............$1,000.. 18 561 18 375 Livestock, poultry, and their products....................$1,000.. 60 067 57 224 Farms by value of sales: Less than $2,500 .................... 262 274 $2,500 to $4,999 .................... 78 100 $5,000 to $9,999 .................... 75 72 $10,000 to $24,999 .................. 135 135 $25,000 to $49,999 .................. 83 73 $50,000 to $99,999 .................. 108 88 $100,000 or more .................... 116 125 Total farm production expenses.$1,000.. 75 200 60 377 Average per farm .........dollars.. 87 748 69 639 Net cash return from agricultural sales for the farm unit.......farms.. 857 867 $1,000.. 3 745 15 135 Average per farm..........dollars.. 4 370 17 457 Operators by principal occupation: Farming ............................. 472 426 Other ............................... 385 441 Operators by days worked off farm: Any ................................. 483 515 200 days or more ................... 301 335 Livestock and poultry: Cattle and calves inventory...farms.. 447 445 number.. 63 450 65 616 Beef cows ..................farms.. 346 341 number.. 19 244 17 647 Milk cows ..................farms.. 19 29 number.. 1 825 2 638 Cattle and calves sold .......farms.. 432 434 number.. 73 677 66 261 Hogs and pigs inventory ......farms.. 41 28 number.. 4 830 2 463 Hogs and pigs sold ...........farms.. 32 21 number.. 9 042 7 182 Sheep and lambs inventory ....farms.. 229 226 number.. 130 885 106 398 Chickens 3 months old or older inventory.............farms.. 39 68 number.. 1 334 (D) Broilers and other meat-type chickens sold...............farms.. 0 0 number.. 0 0 Selected crops harvested: Corn for grain or seed .......farms.. 4 1 acres.. 168 (D) bushels.. 15 246 (D) Sorghum for grain or seed.....farms.. 195 236 acres.. 43 777 38 476 bushels.. 1 954 463 2 034 213 Wheat for grain ..............farms.. 144 120 acres.. 16 212 11 117 bushels.. 419 850 282 114 Rice..........................farms.. 0 0 acres.. 0 0 cwt.. 0 0 Cotton .......................farms.. 205 250 acres.. 71 645 62 993 bales.. 40 585 43 977 Soybeans for beans ...........farms.. 0 0 acres.. 0 0 bushels.. 0 0 Hay-alf, other, wild, silage..farms.. 201 194 acres.. 9 709 10 461 tons, dry.. 19 721 20 823 @1Data are based on a sample of farms. Legend: - Represents zero (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms (X) Not applicable (Z) Less than half the unit shown (NA) Not available Source: 1992 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1 Geographic Area Series, "Table 1. County Summary Highlights: 1992." This electronic series presents summary statistics for each county and state together with comparable data from the 1987 census. The items included are the same for all states and counties, except selected crops harvested, which vary by state. Data for 1992 and 1987 are directly comparable for acreage and inventories. Dollar values have not been adjusted for changes in price levels. You can obtain the Volume 1 Geographic Area Series from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. If you have any questions concerning the data in this report or need additional information or order forms for agriculture publications, please call Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, at 1-800-523-3215. .