1. Number of farms by tenure of operator, for the United States and Regions: 1880 to 1945
2. Percent of farms and farm land operated by tenants, and total farm land under lease, for the United States and Regions: 1880 to 1945
3. Average size of farm by tenure of operator, for the United States and Regions: 1900 to 1945
4. Average value of land and buildings per farm, by tenure of operator, for the United States and Regions: 1900 to 1945
5. Counties in which at least half the farms were operated by tenants: 1880, 1900, 1920, 1920, 1940, and 1945
6. Counties in which at least half of the land in farms was under lease to the operator: 1910, 1935, 1940, and 1945
7. Persons employed on farms - Number of owner and tenant operators, other family workers, and hired workers, for the United States: Census years 1880 to 1945
8. Number of farms by color and tenure of operator, for the United States: 1945
9. Percentage of all farms operated by tenants, January 1, 1945
10. Percentage of all land in farms operated under lease, January 1, 1945
11. Cropland harvested on tenant farms, as a percentage of all cropland harvested, Census of 1945
12. Change in number of farms by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1930 to 1940 and 1940 to 1945
13. Change in number of farms, by color and tenure of operator, for the South: 1930 to 1945 and 1940 to 1945
14. Percentage of farm operators, by color and tenure, for the United States: 1945
15. Most frequent method of renting farms, January 1, 1945
16. Number of farms, by kind of rent paid, for the United States: 1945
17. Special tenure characteristics of multiple-unit operations, for a selected area: Census of 1945
18. Number of farms, by size, for the United States, Regions, and selected States: 1935, 1940, and 1945
19. Number of farms by size and tenure of operator, for the United States, Regions, and selected States: 1945
20. Average value of land and buildings per farm: January 1, 1945
21. Average value of land and buildings per farm for full-owner operators: January 1, 1945
22. Average value of land and buildings per farm for part-owner operators: January 1, 1945
23. Average value of land and buildings per farm for tenant-owner operators: January 1, 1945
24. Average value of land and buildings per acre: January 1, 1945
25. Average value per farm of farm products sold or used by farm households: 1944
26. Percentage change in average value per acre of farm real etate from 1935 - 1939 average to March 1947
27. Equity of farm operators in the farm real estate they operate: Selected years
28. Percent of all farm operators working 100 or more days off their farms for pay or profit in 1944
29. Farms reporting $200 and over in cash wages as a percent of all farms: Census of 1945
30. Age of farm operators, by tenure, for the United States: 1945
31. Change in age of farm operators in each tenure class, for the United States for selected periods
32. Percent distribution of farm operators by tenure and years on farm, for the United States and Regions: Census of 1945
33. Year of occupancy, by tenure, for the United States: 1945
34. Percent of farm operators reporting residence off their farms: January 1, 1945