2. Introduction

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1. Cotton gins classified by activity and by multibattery, 1945, 1940, and 1935; and gins with new stands since 1940: by States

2. Number of cotton gins, classified by ownership, 1945, 1940, and 1935; and ginnings for 1945 season: by States

3. Number of cotton gins, rated horsepower of power unit, and number of saws, by kind of power, by States: 1945, 1940, and 1935

4. Cotton gins classified by number of gin stands, by States: 1945, 1940, and 1935 (roller stands excluded)

4. Cotton gins classified by type, by States: 1945, 1940, and 1935

5. Number of cotton gins 1945, 1940, and 1935; and ginnings for 1945 season: classified by capacity of gin and by States

6. Number of cotton gins reporting specified kinds of equipment, by States: 1945, 1940, and 1935

7. Number of cotton gins classified by diameter of saws, by States: 1945, 1940, and 1935

8. Number of cotton gins with small cleaning feeder drums, large cleaning feeder drums, and hull-extractor feeders reporting specified kinds of cleaning equipment, by States: 1945 and 1940

1. Number of cotton gins, classified by activity; number of multibattery gins; number of gin stands; and total number of saws; by States and counties: 1945, 1940, and 1935

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2. Number of cotton gins by type of ownership, 1945, 1940, and 1935; and ginnings by type of ownership, 1945; by States and counties

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3. Number of cotton gins; rated horsepower of power unit; and number of saws, by kind of power used; by States and counties: 1945 and 1940

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4. Number of cotton gins classified by number of gin stands and by type, and number of gins reporting distributors, by States and counties: 1945 and 1940

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5. Number of cotton gins by capacity, total capacity of all gins, and number of stories in building, 1945 and 1940; and ginnings by capacity of gin, 1945: by States and counties

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6. Number of cotton gins reporting specified kinds of equipment, by State and counties: 1945 and 1940

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1. Number of cotton gins classified by capacity per 12-hour shift, and cotton ginned by capacity of gin: 1945

2. Cotton gins classified by number of gin stands, 1945, 1940, and 1935

3. Number of cotton gins reporting specified kinds of equipment: 1945