10. Trends in Irrigated and Nonirrigated Farms: 1974, 1969, and 1964
11. Irrigated Farms and Acres ni Farms by Acres Irrigated: 1974
12. Use of Irrigated Farmland: 1974
13. Methods of Water Distribution on Irrigated Farms: 1974
14. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied on Irrigated Farms by Method of Water Distribution: 1974
15. Farms, Acres Irrigated, and Water Applied by Quantity of Water Applied: 1974
16. Irrigation and Commercial Fertilizer Used on Pastureland and Harvested Crops: 1974 and 1969
17. Production and Average Yield From Irrigated and Nonirrigated Cropland, by Selected Crop Harvested: 1974
18. Specified Crops Harvested - Yield Per Acre Irrigated and Nonirrigated: 1974
19. Selected Characteristics of Nonirrigated Farms, Irrigated Farms, and Irrigated Farms With All Harvested Cropland Irrigated: 1974