1. Supplemental - Farmers, by color and tenure, and farms operated by croppers, for the Southern States: 1925
2. Farm values, mortgage debt, and miscellaneous items: 1925, 1920, and 1910
3. Livestock on farms, January 1, 1925; and livestock products, 1924 and 1919
4. Value of crops and acreage and production of principal crops: 1924
5. Farm population by age, sex, color, and tenure: 1925
6. Number of farms reporting specified crops, woodland burned over, and firewood cut, 1924, specified classes of livestock, 1925, and woodland cleared, 1920 - 1924; with number of cords of wood cut and acreage of woodland burned over and cleared
7. Acreage in farms, acreage in crop land harvested, value of farm land and buildings, and value of farm buildings, by size of farm: 1925
8. Cooperative marketing - Value of farm products sold and of supplies purchased, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924
9. Number of farms, by size and tenure: 1925
10. Farm operators classified according to number of years on farm, by tenure: 1925
10. Supplemental - Farm operators classified according to number of years on farm, by color and tenure, for the Southern States: 1925
11. Value of buildings, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1925
12. Area of plowable pasture, woodland pasture, other pasture, and woodland not used for pasture, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1925
13. Number of tractors on farms, with number of farms reporting, and number of farms reporting radio outfits, by tenure: 1925
14. Number of farms reporting various classes of roads and various distances from nearest market town, by tenure: 1925
15. Number of horses and mules, beef cattle, dairy cattle, and swine, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1925
16. Acreage and production of corn harvested for grain, winter wheat, spring wheat, oats threshed for grain, cotton, and tobacco, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924
17. Acreage of corn cut for silage, oats cut and fed unthreshed, flaxseed, velvet beans, sugar beets for sugar, white potatoes, and sweet potatoes and yams, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924
18. Expenditures for feed, fertilizer, farm labor, lumber, posts, firewood, etc., with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924
19. Mortgage debt on farms operated by full owners reporting such debt, by size of farm: 1925
20. Mortgage debt on farms operated by full owners reporting such debt, by value of farm: 1925