1. Supplemental - Farmers, by color and tenure, and farms operated by croppers, for the Southern States: 1925
2. Farm values, mortgage debt, and miscellaneous items: 1925, 1920, and 1910
3. Livestock on farms, January 1, 1925; and livestock products, 1924 and 1919
4. Value of crops and acreage and production of principal crops: 1924
5. Farm population by age, sex, color, and tenure: 1925
6. Number of farms reporting specified crops, woodland burned over, and firewood cut, 1924, specified classes of livestock, 1925, and woodland cleared, 1920 - 1924; with number of cords of wood cut and acreage of woodland burned over and cleared
7. Acreage in farms, acreage in crop land harvested, value of farm land and buildings, and value of farm buildings, by size of farm: 1925
8. Cooperative marketing - Value of farm products sold and of supplies purchased, with number of farms reporting, by tenure: 1924