1. Introduction

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1. Number of specified classes of livestock on farms: 1900 to 1955

2. Selected data for livestock and livestock products, by judicial divisions: 1954 and 1950

3. Livestock and livestock products: number of livestock on hand; and production and sales of livestock and livestock products: 1954 and 1953

4. Acreage of cropland and of specified crops harvested: 1900 to 1954

5. Selected data for cropland and crops, by judicial divisions: 1954 and Census f 1950

6. Land distribution and acres, production, and value of crops sold: 1954 and 1953

7. Value of agricultural production for home use and for sale, by geographic areas: 1954 and 1953

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1. Number of farms and number of specified livestock and poultry on hand: 1920 to 1954

2. Acres of specified crops: 1919 to 1954

3. Number of trees or plants: 1920 to 1954

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1. Number of farms, land in farms, and number of livestock on farms: 1920 to 1954

2. Field crops - Area and quantity harvested: 1920 to 1954

3. Fruits and nuts - Number of trees or plants and quantity harvested: 1920 to 1954

4. Specified vegetables - Area and quantity harvested: 1954, 1950, and 1940

5. Number of farms and number of cattle, swine, and poultry, by municipalities: 1954, 1950, and 1940

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1. Agricultural land utilization: 1954 and 1950

2. Specified livestock and livestock products: 1900 to 1954

3. Livestock and livestock products: 1954

4. Livestock and livestock products, by Islands: 1954

5. Acres and production of specified crops: 1900 to 1954

6. Acres, production, and value of specified crops: 1954

7. Acres and production of specified crops, by Islands: 1954

8. Number of diversified commercial-size enterprises, 1954; and number of farms reporting, Census of 1950; for selected items of production

9. Value of agricultural marketings: 1954

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1. Number and area of farms: 1910 to 1954

2. Farms reporting and number of livestock on farms: 1910 to 1954

3. Farms reporting, area, and quantity harvested for selected crops: 1909 to 1954

4. Farms reporting, number of trees or plants, and quantity harvested, for the principal fruits and coconuts: 1910 to 1954

5. Estimated farm value of production of agricultural commodities: fiscal year 1953 - 1954

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1. Farms, farm acreage, and value of land and buildings: 1917 to 1954

2. Livestock on farms - Specified livestock and livestock products: 1917 to 1954

3. Specified field crops - Acres and quantity harvested: 1917 to 1954

4. Vegetables - Acreage and value: 1917 to 1954

5. Specified fruits and nuts - Acreage, number of trees or plants, and quantity harvested: 1917 to 1954