1. Summary

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1. Family living expenditures of farm-operator families - total expenditures with percent distribution and average expenditures per family, by groups of expenditures, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1955

2. Family living expenses of farm-operator families - average expenditures per family and percent of families reporting, for groups and individual items of expenditure, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1955

3. Farm production expenditures - total expenditures with percent distribution and average expenditure per farm, for major groups of expenditures, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1955

4. Farm production expenditures - total expenditures, average expenditure per farm, quantity purchased, and percent of farms reporting, for groups and individual items of expenditure, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1955

5. Farm production expenditures - total expenditures and average expenditure per farm for selected groups of expenditures for commercial farms, by economic class of farm, by type of farm, for the United States: 1955

6. Farm expenditures - expenditures for the purchase and operation of automobiles and trucks, as calculated from the survey of family living expenditures, for the United States: 1955

7. Farm expenditures - expenditures for the purchase and operation of automobiles and trucks, as calculated from the survey of farm production expenditures, for the United States: 1955

8. Off-farm icome of farm-operator families, by source of income, by class of farm, aggregate for the United States: 1955

9. Percent distribution of off-farm income of farm-operator families from each source of income, by class of farm, for the United States: 1955

10. Average off-farm income per farm-operator family, by source of income, by class of farm, for the United States: 1955

11. Percent distribution of off-farm income of farm-operator families by source of income, by class of farm, for the United States: 1955

12. Average off-farm income per farm-operator family receiving the specified income, by source of income, by class of farm, for the United States: 1955

13. Farm operators by age, number of persons in family, education, and family money income after taxes, for the United States: 1955

14. Percent distribution of farm operators by age, number of persons in family, education, and family money income after taxes, for the United States: 1955

15. Farm operators of Class VI, part-time, and residential farms, by age, number of persons in family, education, and family money income after taxes, for the United States: 1955

16. Percent distribution by economic class of farm of operators of Class VI, part-time, and residential farms, by age, number of persons in family, education, and family money income after taxes, for the United States: 1955

17. Percent distribution of operators of Class VI, part-time, and residential farms, by age, number of persons in family, education, and family money income after taxes, for the United States: 1955