1. Number of farms and land in farms classified by use: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
2. Number of farms and land in farms classified according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
3. Number of farms and land in farms classified according to use, by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
4. Land owned, rented, and managed by farm operators: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
5. Number of farms by economic class and type of farm: Census of 1959
6. Farm operators reporting off-farm work by major occupation groups and days worked: Census of 1959
7. Facilities and equipment on farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
8. Agregados and medianeros - number of families and land cultivated by agregados and medianeros: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
9. Farm labor - farms reporting, number of persons and hours worked on farms during week preceding enumeration: Census of 1959
10. Farm expenditures - farms reporting and amount expended for feed, fertilizer, and hired labor: Censuses of 1959 and 1949
11. Farms reporting and number of horses, burros and mules, sheep, and goats on farms; and goats milked: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
12. Farms reporting and number of cattle on farms: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
13. Farms reporting and number of milk cows on farms, cows milked, cattle and calves sold, and milk sold: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
14. Farms reporting and number of hogs and pigs on farms, sows farrowing, pigs raised, and hogs and pigs sold: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
15. Farms reporting and number of chickens on farms, number of chickens sold, and dozens of eggs sold: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
16. Farms reporting and number of turkeys, ducks, gees, guineas, and pigeons on farms; number of hives of bees on farms, and honey produced: Censuses of 1959 and 1950
17. Sugarcane - farms reporting, area, and quantity harvested, 1959 and 1949; sugarcane cut for seed, 1959; area in sugarcane, November 1, 1959; and area in gran cultura for harvest in 1960
18. Pineapples - farms reporting, area, and quantity harvested, 1959 and 1949; and area in pineapples, November 1, 1959
19. Coffee and tobacco - farms reporting, area, quantity harvested, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
20. Cotton and rice - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
21. Cowpeas and pigeon peas - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
22. Dry beans and corn - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
23. Sweetpotatoes - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
24. Dasheens and yams - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
25. Taniers and cassava - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
26. Miscellaneous field crops - farms reporting, area, quantity harvesteed, and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
27. Forage crops - farms reporting and area harvested, 1959 and 1949
28. Vegetables harvested for sale - farms reporting, area, quantity harvested, and value of sales, 1959 and 1949
29. Citrons - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
30. Coconuts - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
31. Bananas and plantains - farms reporting and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
32. Grapefruit - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
33. Oranges - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
34. Limes - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
35. Avocados - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
36. Cacao - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
37. Guavas - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
38. Mangoes - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
39. Papayas - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
40. Breadfruit - farms reporting, number of trees, and area, 1959 and 1950; quantity harvested and quantity sold, 1959 and 1949
41. Parcelas and parcela characteristics: Censuses of 1959 and 1950