1. Population, land area, farms, and land in farms, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
2. Farms, farm acreage, and value of land and buildings, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
3. Farms, farm acreage, and value of land and buildings, by size of farm, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
4. Farms, farm acreage, and value of land and buildings, by birthplace and tenure of operator, Census of 1960; and by tenure of operator, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
5. Years on farm - Number of farm operators according to years on farm, by tenure of operator, Censuses of 1917 to 1960; and by islands, Censuses of 1940 to 1960
6. Work off farm - number of farm operators reporting work off the farm, by tenure of operator, by islands: Censuses of 1940 to 1960
7. Specified farm expenditures, by tenure of operator - Virgin Islands, total, farms reporting and amount expended, Censuses of 1917 to 1960; by islands, farms reporting 1960, and amount expended, Censuses of 1930 to 1960
8. Farm mortgage debt of full owners and part owners, by islands: Censuses of 1930 to 1960
9. Automobiles, motortrucks, and tracgtors - farms reporting, number, by tenure of operator, by islands: Censuses of 1940 to 1960
10. Farms reporting tractor and animal power, by type of ownership and by tenure of farm operator: Census of 1960
11. Electricity, piped running water, and telephones on farms - farm reporting, by tenure of operator, by islands: Census of 1960
12. Livestck on farms, livestock and livesetock products sold, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
13. Specified field crops - farms reporting, acres and quantity harvested, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
14. Vegetables - farms reporting, acreage, value of vegetables harvested for sale, farms reporting vegetables for home use, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
15. Specified fruits and nuts - farms reporting, acreage, number of bearing and nonbearing trees or plants, quantity harvested, by islands: Censuses of 1917 to 1960
16. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm: Censuses of 1960
17. Farms and farm characteristics by size of farm: Censuses of 1960
18. Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Censuses of 1960
19. Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator: Censuses of 1960
20. Farms and farm characteristics by birthplace of operator: Censuses of 1960
21. Farms reporting by age of operator, by birthplace, tenure, size of farm, type, and economic class of farm: Censuses of 1960