2. Farms Classified by Acres of Total Land in Farms, for the United States, 1880 to 1964; and Acres of Improved Land, for the United States: 1860 and 1870
3. Farms, All Land in Farms, Average Size of Farm, Average Value of Land and Buildings per Farm and per Acre, for the United States: 1850 to 1964
4. Percent of All Land in Farms Represented by Total Cropland, Total Pastureland, and Total Woodland, by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1964
5. Farms in Each Size Group, Classified by Value of Land and Buildings per Farm, for the United States: 1964
6. Average Size of Farm for the United States: 1850 to 1964
7. Farms and Percent Change in Number of Farms, by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1964, 1959, 1954, and 1950
8. Farms Under 10 Acres in Size, With Land in Farms, for the United States: 1880 to 1964
9. Farms by Size of Farm, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
10. Land in Farms by Size of Farm, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
11. Cropland Harvested, by Size of Farm, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
12. Average Size of Farms, by Regions and States: 1850 to 1964
13. Farms of Less Than 10 Acres, by Size, by Regions and States
14. Farms of 2,000 Acres or More - Number and Total Acreage, 1964 and 1959; and Land by Use, 1964, by Size, by Regions and States
15. Farms and Farm Characteristics by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1964