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2. Introduction

1. Farm Characteristics, by Economic Class: 1964

2. Farm Characteristics, by Tenure of Operator: 1964

3. Farm Characteristics, by Birthplace of Operator: 1964

4. Farm Characteristics, by Size of Farm: 1964

5. Farm Characteristics of Commercial Farms, by Type of Farm: 1964

6. Farms - By Age, Birthplace, and Tenure of Operator; and by Size, Type, and Economic Class: 1960 and 1964

7. Farms, Acreage, and Value, by Island: 1917 to 1964

8. Farms and Acreage According to Use, by Island: 1930 to 1964

9. Farms, Acreage, and Value, by Size of Farm, by Island: 1930 to 1964

10. Farms, Acreage, and Value, by Birthplace and Tenure of Operator, by Island: 1930 to 1964

11. Years on Farm - Number of Operators, by Tenure, by Island: 1940 to 1964

12. Work Off Farm - Number of Operators, by Tenure, by Island: 1940 to 1964

13. Farm Operators Reporting Off-Farm Work and Other Income, by Island: 1964

14. Electricity, Piped Running Water, and Telephones - Farms and Number, by Tenure of Operator, by Island: 1960 and 1964

15. Automobiles, Motortrucks, and Tractors - Farms and Number, by Tenure of Operator, by Island: 1940 to 1964

16. Specified Farm Expenditures - Farms and Amount Expended, by Tenure of Operator, by Island: 1930 to 1964

17. Farm Mortgage Debt of Full Owners and Part Owners, by Island: 1930 to 1964

18. Livestock and Poultry on Farms; Livestock, Poultry, and Related Products Sold; by Island: 1930 to 1964

19. Specified Field Crops Harvested - Farms, Acres, and Quantity Harvested, 1930 to 1964; Value of Sales, 1964; by Island

20. Vegetables - Farms, Acreage, and Sales of Crops, by Island: 1930 to 1964

21. Specified Fruits and Nuts - Farms, Number of Trees or Plants, and Quantity Harvested, by Island: 1930 to 1964

22. Farm Ponds - Farms and Number, by Size of Pond, by Island: 1964

1. Appendixes