1. Introduction

2. Full PDF

1. Poultry on Hand and Chickens 3 Months Old or Older

2. Broilers, Turkeys, Other Poultry on Hand

3. Poultry Sold for Slaughter - Chickens

4. Poultry Sold for Slaughter - Turkeys, Ducks, Other

5. Poultry Contracts - Hens and Pullets Producing Table or Market Eggs

6. Poultry Contracts - Hens and Pullets Producing Hatching Eggs

7. Poultry Contracts - Pullets 2 Months Old or Older Not of Laying Age

8. Poultry Contracts - Any Other Chickens 2 Months Old or Older

9. Poultry Contracts - Broilers on Hand

10. Poultry Contracts - Turkey Hens Kept for Breeding

11. Poultry Contracts - Other Turkeys

12. Poultry Contracts - Other Poultry on Hand

13. Housing Facilities - Hens and Pullets, on Floors, Slats, Other

14. Housing Facilities - Hens and Pullets in Cages

15. Force Molting of Chickens and Turkeys

16. Force Molting - Hens Producing Table Eggs, Age at Start of Molt

17. Force Molting - Hens Producing Table Eggs, Length of Molting Period

18. Force Molting - Hens Producing Hatching Eggs, Age at Start of Molt

19. Force Molting - Hens Producing Hatching Eggs, Length of Molting Period

20. Force Molting - Turkey Hens, Age at Start of Molt

21. Force Molting - Turkey Hens, Length of Molting Period

22. Hatching Eggs

23. Table Eggs Produced - Eggs Marketed Through Restaurants, Brokers, Independent Grocery, Chain Store Buyer

24. Table Eggs Marketed Through - Egg Packer, Breaker, Home Delivery, Consumer at Farm, Contractor, Other

25. Table Eggs Marketed Under Contract

26. Table Eggs - Market Preparation on Place

27. Poultry Replacement - Pullets for Table Egg Production

28. Poultry Replacement - Pullets for Hatching Egg Production

29. Poultry Replacement - Turkey Hens

30. Sold or Moved - Pullets for Table Egg Production

31. Average Age When Sold or Moved - Pullets for Table Egg Production

32. Sold or Moved - Pullets for Hatching Egg Production

33. Average Age When Sold or Moved - Pullets for Hatching Egg Production

34. Sold or Moved - Turkey Hens

35. Average Age When Sold or Moved - Turkey Hens

36. Sold or Moved for Slaughter - Chickens - For Farms Reporting Pounds

37. Sold or Moved for Slaughter - Turkeys - For Farms Reporting Pounds

38. Sold or Moved for Slaughter - Ducks, Other Poultry - For Farms Reporting Pounds

39. Method of Payment for Raising Broilers Under a Contract Weight - Broilers

40. Method of Payment for Raising Broilers Under a Contract

41. Method of Payment Under a Contract - Minimum, Feed Conversion, Certain Amount - Market Eggs

42. Share of Returns, Ranking According to Costs, Specific Amount, Other - Market Eggs

43. Method of Payment Under a Contract - Minimum, Feed Conversion, Certain Amount, Weight - Market Turkeys

44. Method of Payment Under a Contract - Weight After Condemnation, Share of Returns, Ranking According to Costs, Other - Market Turkeys

45. Method of Payment Under a Contract - Minimum, Feed Conversion, Certain Amount, Weight - Market Ducks

46. Method of Payment Under a Contract - Weight After Condemnation, Share of Returns, Ranking According to Costs, Other - Market Ducks

47. Farms Reporting Items Furnished or Paid for by Contractor - For Farms Reporting Method of Payment for Table or Market Eggs, Market Turkeys, or Market Ducks Produced Under Contract

48. Farms Reporting Items Furnished or Paid for by Contractor - For Farms Reporting Method of Payment for Broilers Under Contract

49. Farms Reporting Items Furnished or Paid for by Contractor - For Farms Reporting Method of Payment for Table or Market Eggs Produced Under Contract

50. Farms Reporting Items Furnished or Paid for by Contractor - For Farms Reporting Method of Payment for Table or Market Turkeys Produced Under Contract

51. Broiler Houses Completed in 1966 or Earlier - Any Type of House

52. Broiler Houses Completed in 1966 or Earlier - Total Environment Houses

53. Broiler Houses Completed in 1966 or Earlier - Conventional Houses With Some Insulation

54. Broiler Houses Completed in 1966 or Earlier - Conventional Houses With No Insulation

55. Broiler Houses Completed in 1966 or Earlier - Other Types of Houses

56. Broiler Houses Completed Since 1966 - Any Type of House

57. Broiler Houses Completed Since 1966 - Total Environment Houses

58. Broiler Houses Completed Since 1966 - Conventional Houses With Some Insulation

59. Broiler Houses Completed Since 1966 - Conventional Houses With No Insulation

60. Broiler Houses Completed Since 1966 - Other Types of Houses

61. Average Age of Broilers Sent to Slaughter

62. Broilers - Average Number of Batches Raised Per House

63. Commercially Mixed Feeds and Feed Ingredients Fed to Poultry

64. Feed Grains Fed to Poultry

65. Commercially Mixed Feeds and Feed Ingredients Fed to Egg-Type Chickens

66. Feed Grains Fed to Egg-Type Chickens

67. Commercially Mixed Feeds and Feed Ingredients Fed to Broilers

68. Feed Grains Fed to Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens

69. Feed and Feed Supplements Fed to Turkeys

70. Feed Grains Fed to Turkeys

71. Feed and Feed Supplements Fed to Other Poultry

72. Feed Grains Fed to Other Poultry

73. Commercially Mixed Feeds and Oilseed Meals Fed to Poultry

74. Specified Feed Ingredients and Feed Grains Fed to Poultry

75. Oats, Barley, and Other Feed Grains Fed to Poultry

76. Complete Formula Feeds Fed to Egg-Type Chickens, Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens

77. Complete Formula Feeds Fed to Turkeys and Other Poultry

78. Method of Mixing Poultry Feed

79. Farms Reporting Methods of Poultry Waste Disposal

80. Farms Reporting Incubators, Hatchers, Automatic Feeders, Tub Feeders, Trought Feeders, Bulk Feed Bins, Mechanical Feed Carts

81. Farms Reporting Farms Reporting Grinders and Mixers, Grain Storage and Drying Bins, Automatic Waterers, Egg Gathering Conveyors, Washers, Candlers, Graders, Holding Coolers, Packers

82. Acreage and Cropland Harvested on Farms Reporting Any Poultry

83. Inventory of Chickens 3 Months Old or Older, Broilers, and Turkey Hens Kept for Breeding on Farms Reporting Feed Fed to Egg-Type Chickens, Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens and Turkeys

84. Inventory of Other Turkeys and Other Poultry on Farms Reporting Feed Fed to Turkeys and Other Poultry Respectively; Pullets and Turkey Hens Raised Under Contract for Sale as Replacements or Additions on Farms that Reported Feed Fed to Egg-Type Chickens and Turkeys, Respectively

85. Pullets and Turkey Hens Raised, Not Under Contract, for Sale as Replacements or Additions, on Farms That Reported Feed Fed to Egg-Type Chickens and turkeys, Respectively; Laying Hens and Roosters, Broilers and Fryers, and Cornish Hens Sold for Slaughter From Farms Reporting Feed Fed to Egg-Type Chickens, and Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens, Respectively

86. Capons, Turkeys, Ducks, and Other Poultry Sold for Slaughter From Farms That Reported Feed Fed to Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Poultry, Respectively

87. Farm Operators Reporting Work on Farm

88. Farm Operators Reporting That 1/2 or More of the Days Worked on This Place Were Related to This Enterprise

89. Number of Other Unpaid Workers by Days Worked During Year

90. Number of Other Unpaid Workers for Which 1/2 or More of the Days Worked on This Place Were Related to This Enterprise

91. Regular Hired Workers - Farms, Workers, and Cash Wages by Days Worked During Year

92. Seasonal and Contract Workers - Farms and Cash Wages by Days Worked During Year

93. Farms Reporting, by Number of Man-Days of Hired Labor Worked During the Year

94. Farms Reporting Man-Days of Hired Labor, by Quarter in Which Most Man-Days Were Worked

95. Cash Wages Paid for Hired Labor and Farms Reporting Portion of Cash Wages Paid for Work Related to This Enterprise - Total, None, Less than 1/4

96. Farms Reporting Portion of Cash Wages Paid for Work Related to This Enterprise - 1/4 or 1/2, 1/2 or 3/4, 3/4 or More

1. Poultry on Hand and Chickens 3 Months Old or Older

2. Broilers, Turkeys, Other Poultry on Hand

3. Poultry Sold for Slaughter - Chickens

4. Poultry Sold for Slaughter - Turkeys, Ducks, Other

23. Table Eggs Produced - Eggs Marketed Through Restaurants, Brokers, Independent Grocery, Chain Store Buyer

24. Table Eggs Marketed Through - Egg Packer, Breaker, Home Delivery, Consumer at Farm, Contractor, Other

51. Broiler Houses Completed in 1966 or Earlier - Any Type of House

56. Broiler Houses Completed Since 1966 - Any Type of House

76. Complete Formula Feeds Fed to Egg-Type Chickens, Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens

77. Complete Formula Feeds Fed to Turkeys and Other Poultry

79. Farms Reporting Methods of Poultry Waste Disposal

82. Acreage and Cropland Harvested on Farms Reporting Any Poultry

1. Appendixes

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