
1. 74 - MP43 - Farm Production Expenses by County: 1974

2. 74 - MP46 - Expenditures for Feed for Livestock and Poultry, by County: 1974

3. 74 - MP52 - Expenditures for Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil for the Farm Business, by County: 1974

4. 74 - MP53 - Expenditures for Hired Farm Labor, Excluding Contract Labor, by County: 1974

5. 74 - MP54 - Farm Production Expenses as a Percent of Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Farm Production Expenses: 1974

2. Farm Expenditure Data Excluded by 1974 Farm Definition: 1974

3. Specified Expenditure Items: 1950 to 1974

4. Changes in Selected Farm Expenditures: 1969 to 1974

5. Farm Production Expenses by Value of Sales: 1974

6. Farm Production Expenses by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

7. Specified Expenditures and Adjustments to 1910-1914 Price Levels: 1944 to 1974

8. Feed Expenditures: 1974

9. Percent of Feed Expenditures by Selected Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

10. Petroleum Products Expenditures: 1974

11. Percent of Petroleum Products Expenditures by Value of Sales Group: 1974

12. Hired Farm Labor Expenditures by Vaue of Sales Group: 1974

13. Machine Hire and Customwork Expenditures by Value of Sales Group: 1974

14. Agricultural Chemical Expenditures by Purpose of Treatment: 1974

15. Farms by Relation of Expenditures to Value of Sales: 1974

16. Relation of Production Expenditures to Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

All Farms

17. Farm Production Expenses by Items Purchased: 1974 and 1969

18. Farm Production Expenses: 1974 and 1969

19. Livestock and Poultry Purchased: 1974 and 1969

20. Feed Purchased for Livestock and Poultry: 1974 and 1969

21. Commercially Mixed Formula Feeds Purchased: 1974 and 1969

22. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, and Trees Purchased: 1974 and 1969

23. Commercial Fertilizer Purchased: 1974 and 1969

24. Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil Purchased: 1974 and 1969

25. Lime and Agricultural Chemicals Purchased, Excluding Commercial Fertilizer: 1974

26. Hired Farm Labor: 1974 and 1969

27. Contract Labor: 1974

28. Machine Hire and Customwork: 1974

29. All Other Production Expenses: 1974 and 1969

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

30. Farms by Expenditure Per Farm for Hired Labor Working 25 to 149 Days: 1974

31. Farms by Expenditure Per Farm for Hired Labor Working Under 25 Days: 1974

32. Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses to Hired Workers, Farm Operators, and Unpaid Family Workers, by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

33. Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses to Hired Workers and Paid Members of Farm Operator's Family, by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

34. Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses to Farm Operators and Unpaid Members of Farm Operator's Family, by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

35. Feed Ingredients Purchased for Livestock and Poultry: 1974 and 1969

36. Whole Grains Purchased for Feed: 1974 and 1969

37. Hay, Green Chip, and Silage Purchased for Feed: 1974 and 1969

38. Animal Health Costs for Livestock and Poultry: 1974

41. Total Fuel Expenses, Gasoline, and Other Petroleum Fuel and Oil Purchased: 1974 and 1969

42. Gasoline Purchased: 1974 and 1969

43. Diesel Fuel Purchased: 1974 and 1969

44. LP Gas, Butane, and Propane Purchased: 1974 and 1969

45. Motor Oil, Grease, Piped Gas, Kerosene, and Fuel Oil Purchased: 1974 and 1969

46. Lime Purchased: 1974 and 1969

47. Agricultural Chemicals Purchased Other Than Fertilizer and Lime: 1974 and 1969

48. Specified Agricultural Chemicals Purchased: 1974 and 1969

50. Contract Labor: 1974 and 1969

51. Machine Hire and Customwork: 1974 and 1969


1. 74 - M92 - Hired Farm Workers Working 150 Days and Over: 1974

2. 74 - M93 - Hired Farm Workers Working 25 to 149 Days: 1974

3. 74 - M94 - Hired Farm Workers Working Under 25 Days: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Hired Farms Labor: 1974

2. Proportion of Farms with Hired Labor by Value of Sales Group: 1974 and 1969

3. Percent of Farms by Standard Industrial Classification by Expenditures for Hired Farm Labor: 1974

4. Percent of Farms by Number of Regular Hired Workers: 1974 and 1969

5. Regular Hired Workers by Value of Sales Group: 1974 and 1969

6. Seasonal Workers by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

7. Seasonal and Casual Workers by Valkue of Sales Group: 1974

8. Casual Workers by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

9. Contract Labor by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

10. Percent of Corporations Reporting Salaried Officers and Average Salary Per Officer: 1974

11. Comparison of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses to Hired Labor by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

12. Farms With Hired Workers Working 150 Days and Over: 1974 and 1969

13. Farms With Hired Workers Working 150 Days and Over by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

14. Hired Workers Working 150 Days and Over by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

15. Farms With Hired Workers Working 150 Days and Over by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

16. Hired Workers Working 150 Days and Over by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

17. Farms by Number of Hired Workers Working 25 to 149 Days: 1974

18. Farms With Hired Workers Working 25 to 149 Days by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

19. Hired Workers Working 25 to 149 Days by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

20. Farms With Hired Workers Working 25 to 149 Days by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

21. Hired Workers Working 25 to 149 Days by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

22. Farms by Number of Hired Workers Working Under 25 Days: 1974

23. Farms With Hired Workers Working Under 25 Days by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

24. Hired Workers Working Under 25 Days by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

25. Farms With Hired Workers Working Under 25 Days by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

27. Grain Storage Capacity on Place: 1974

28. Farms With Contract Labor by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

29. Farms by Expenditure Per Farm for Hired Labor Working 150 Days and Over: 1974


1. 74 - M99 - Tractors, Excluding Garden Tractors and Motor Tillers: 1974

2. 74 - MP64 - Average Estimated Market Value Per Farm Reporting of All Machinery and Equipment on Place: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Farm Equipment: 1974

2. Farm Equipment by Census Year: 1920 to 1974

3. Farm Equipment: 1950 to 1974

4. Comparison of Selected Machinery and Equipment on All Farms With Those on Places Not Qualifying as Farms by 1974 Definition: 1974

5. Tractors, Cropland Harvested, and Acres Harvested Per Tractor, by Value of Sales : 1974

6. Tractors, Cropland Harvested, and Acres Harvested Per Tractor, by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

7. Cornpickers, Corn Heads, and Picker-Shellers, by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

9. Percent of Farms by Value of Machinery and Equipment: 1974

9. Fertilizer Used: 1954 to 1974

10. Percent of Farms by Value of Sales and Value of Machinery and Equipment: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

19. Selected Machinery and Equipment on Place: 1950 to 1974

21. Motortrucks, Including Pickups on Place: 1974 and 1969

22. Tractors, Excluding Garden Tractors and Motor Tillers: 1974 and 1969

23. Wheel Tractors, Excluding Garden Tractors and Motor Tillers, on Place: 1974 and 1969

24. Crawler Tractors on Place: 1974 and 1969

25. Liquid Fertilizer Used: 1974 and 1969

26. Hired Workers Working Under 25 Days by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974

27. Farms by Number of Contract Workers: 1974

28. Fuel Storage for Farm Use by Type of Fuel: 1974

Section A. Fertilizer and Lime


1. 74 - MP65 - Acres of Crops Harvested on Which Commercial Fertilizer Was Used as a Percent of All Harvested Cropland: 1974

2. 74 - MP66 - Average Total Pounds of Fertilizer Applied Per Acre Fertilized: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Commercial Fertilizer: 1974

2. Fertilizer Computer Edited for Specified Crops: 1974

3. Fertilizer Computer Edited for Crops Irrigated: 1974

4. Distribution of Fertilizer Used by Crop: 1974

5. Dry and Liquid Fertilizer Used for Selected Crops: 1974

6. Dry and Liquid Fertilizer by Amount Used: 1974

7. Percent of Harvested Acres Fertilized for Selected Crops by Value of Sales: 1974

8. Comparison of Value of Machinery and Equipment With Index of Prices Paid: 1900 to 1974

8. Fertilizer Used or Purchased: 1909 to 1974

10. Dry and Liquid Fertilizer Used: 1959 to 1974

11. Acres Fertilized for Selected Crops: 1969 and 1974

12. Fertilizer Usage on Fully Irrigated and Nonirrigated Selected Crops: 1974

13. Percent of Farms by Tons of Lime Used: 1974

14. Lime and Liming Materials Used: 1954 to 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

15. Fertilizer Used on Selected Crops for Irrigated and Nonirrigated Land: 1974

16. Lime: 1974 and 1969

17. Fertilizer Expenditures: 1974 and 1969

18. Commercial Fertilizer Used: 1974 and 1969

19. Cropland Pasture Fertilized: 1974 and 1969

20. Improved Pasture Fertilized: 1974 and 1969

21. Selected Crops Fertilized: 1974 and 1969

22. Comparison of Farms Reporting Acres Fertilized and Tons of Fertilizer Used With Farms Reporting Expenditures for Fertilizer and Not Reporting Use: 1974

23. Dry and Liquid Fertilizer Used by Farms, Tons, and Percent Distribution: 1974 and 1969

24. Dry Fertilizer Used: 1974 and 1969

Section B. Insecticide, Herbicides, Fungicides, Other Pesticides, and Other Chemicals


1. 74 - MP72 - Acres of Crops Treated for Weed or Grass Control as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1974

2. 74 - MP68 - Acres of Crops Treated for Insect Control as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1974


1. Other Published Data for Agricultural Chemicals: 1974

2. Crops Which Must Be Sprayed for Insect Control: 1974

3. Land Treated for Weeds, Insects, and Disease Control: 1974 and 1969

4. Chemicals Used and Expenditures: 1974

5. Average Cost of Chemicals Per Acre Treated: 1974

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

6. Sprays, Dusts, Granules, Fumigants, and Other Chemicals Used: 1974 and 1969

7. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Insect Control on Hay Crops: 1974

8. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Insect Control on Other Crops: 1974

9. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Nematode Control in Crops: 1974

10. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Disease Control in Crops: 1974

11. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Weed or Grass Control in Crops: 1974

12. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Weed or Grass Control in Pasture: 1974

13. Farms, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Weed Control on All Other Land: 1974

14. Farms, Acres Treated, Expenditures, and Farms by Expenditure for Defoliation or Growth Control of Crops or Thining of Crops: 1974

15. Farms, Expenditures, and Frms by Expenditure for Insect Control on Livestock and Poultry: 1974

16. Farms, Expenditures, and Frms by Expenditure for Other Chemicals: 1974