1. Introduction

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1. 74 - MP28 - Irrigated Harvested Cropland as a Percent of Harvested Cropland: 1974

2. 74 - MP27 - Irrigated Land as a Percent of Land in Farms: 1974

3. 74 - MP67 - Irrigated Land: 1974

4. 74 - MP69 - Land Irrigated by Sprinklers: 1974


1. Irrigation of Agricultural Operations Qualifying as Farms by the 1959 Definition but Excluded by the 1974 Definition: 1974 and 1969

File Missing

2. Farms Not Irrigated During Census Year but Reporting Irrigation in the Previous 4 Years: 1974 and 1969

3. Percent of Crops Irrigated, Acres Irrigated, and Acres Harvested, for Selected Crops: 1974

4. Average Acre-Feet of Water Applied by Areas and Method of Application: 1974

5. Index of Average Yield for Specified Harvested Crops From Wholly Irrigated Land: 1974

6. Percent of Selected Items on Nonirrigated and Irrigated Farms: 1974

All Farms

7. Trends in Irrigated and Nonirrigated Farms: 1974, 1969, and 1964

8. Irrigated and Nonirrigated Farms, by Size of Farm: 1974

9. Irrigated Farms by Acres Irrigated: 1974 and 1969

Farms with Sales of $2,500 and over

10. Trends in Irrigated and Nonirrigated Farms: 1974, 1969, and 1964

11. Irrigated Farms and Acres ni Farms by Acres Irrigated: 1974

12. Use of Irrigated Farmland: 1974

13. Methods of Water Distribution on Irrigated Farms: 1974

14. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied on Irrigated Farms by Method of Water Distribution: 1974

15. Farms, Acres Irrigated, and Water Applied by Quantity of Water Applied: 1974

16. Irrigation and Commercial Fertilizer Used on Pastureland and Harvested Crops: 1974 and 1969

17. Production and Average Yield From Irrigated and Nonirrigated Cropland, by Selected Crop Harvested: 1974

18. Specified Crops Harvested - Yield Per Acre Irrigated and Nonirrigated: 1974

19. Selected Characteristics of Nonirrigated Farms, Irrigated Farms, and Irrigated Farms With All Harvested Cropland Irrigated: 1974

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1. Drainage on Farms: 1974, 1969, 1930, and 1920

2. Drained Farms and Acres Drained: 1974

3. Average Size of Drained Farms and Acres Drained Per Farm: 1974

4. Acres Drained by Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1974

5. Land Drained by Systems Installed During Census Years: 1974 and 1969

6. Artificial Drainage on Farms: 1974

7. Drained Land by Size of Farm: 1974

8. Drained Land by Standard Industrial Classification of Farms: 1974