1. Farms, Cuerdas in Farms, and Land Use: 1974 and 1969
2. Farms and Cuerdas in Farms, by Size of Farm: 1974 and 1969
3. Farms and Cuerdas Cultivated, by Size of Farm: 1974
4. Farms and Cuerdas in Cultivated and Improved Pasture, by Size of Farm: 1974
5. Farms and Cuerdas in Farms, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974 and 1969
6. Farms and Cuerdas Cultivated, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
7. Farms and Cuerdas in Cultivated and Improved Pasture, by Tenure of Farm Operator: 1974
8. Farms and Cuerdas in Farms, by Economic Class: 1974 and 1969
9. Farms and Cuerdas Irrigated: 1974
10. Machinery, Buildings, and Agricultural Equipment: 1975
11. Farm Operators Reporting Off-Farm Work, by Number of Days: 1974 and 1969
12. Hired Workers, Agregados, and Sharecroppers: 1974
13. Income From Agricultural Products Sold: 1974
14. Farm-Related Income: 1974
15. Farm Production Expenditures: 1974 and 1969
16. Agricultural Chemicals: 1974
17. Livestock on Farm: 1975 and 1970
18. Sales of Livestock and Milk: 1974 and 1969
19. Poultry on Farms: 1975 and 1970
20. Sales of Poultry and Eggs: 1974 and 1969
21. Sugarcane: 1974 and 1969
22. Coffee: 1974 and 1969
23. Tobacco: 1974 and 1969
24. Pigeon Peas: 1974 and 1969
25. Dry Beans: 1974 and 1969
26. Green Beans: 1974
27. Corn: 1974
28. Dasheens: 1974
29. Cassava: 1974
30. Celeriac: 1974
31. Sweetpotatoes: 1974 and 1969
32. Yams: 1974 and 1969
33. Taniers: 1974 and 1969
34. Coconuts: 1974 and 1969
35. Grapefruits: 1974
36. Oranges: 1974 and 1969
37. Avocados: 1974 and 1969
38. Plantains: 1974 and 1969
39. Bananas: 1974 and 1969
40. Citrons: 1974
41. Papayas: 1974
42. Vegetables Planted and Harvested for Sale: 1974 and 1969
43. Cultivated and Improved Pasture: 1974