45. Corn Harvested for Grain or Seed: 1982 and 1978
46. Sorghum Harvested for Grain or Seed: 1982 and 1978
47. Wheat Harvested for Grain: 1982 and 1978
48. Barley Harvested for Grain: 1982 and 1978
49. Oats Harvested for Grain: 1982 and 1978
50. Rice Harvested: 1982 and 1978
51. Soybeans Harvested for Beans: 1982 and 1978
52. Peanuts Harvested for Nuts: 1982 and 1978
53. Dry Edible Beans Harvested, Excluding Dry Lima: 1982 and 1978
54. Cotton Harvested: 1982 and 1978
55. Tobacco Harvested: 1982 and 1978
56. Irish Potatoes Harvested: 1982 and 1978
57. Sugar Beets Harvested for Sugar: 1982 and 1978
58. Hay Harvested - Alfalfa, Other Tame, Small Grain, Wild, Grass Silage, Green Chop, Etc.: 1982 and 1978
59. Alfalfa Hay Harvested: 1982 and 1978
60. Tame Hay Harvested Other Than Alfalfa, Small Grain, and Wild Hay: 1982 and 1978