1. Irrigated Farms in the Censuses of Agriculture: 1992 and Earlier Censuses
2. Irrigated Farms by Acres Irrigated: 1994 and 1988
3. Land Use: 1994 and 1988
4. Land Irrigated by Method of Water Distribution: 1994 and 1988
5. Land Irrigated by Sprinkler Systems: 1994 and 1988
6. Land Irrigated by Gravity Flow Systems: 1994 and 1988
7. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied Using Only One Method of Distribution: 1994 and 1988
8. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied Using Only Sprinkler Systems to Distribute Water: 1994 and 1988
9. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied Using Only Gravity Flow Systems to Distribute Water: 1994 and 1988
10. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied by Source: 1994 and 1988
11. Irrigation by Estimated Quantity of Water Applied: 1994 and 1988
12. Irrigation Wells on Farms: 1994 and 1988
13. Irrigation Wells Used on Farms by Pumping Depth: 1994 and 1988
14. Irrigation Pumps on Farms: 1994 and 1988
15. Irrigation Pumps on Farms for Wells: 1994 and 1988
16. Irrigation Pumps on Farms Other Than Well Pumps: 1994 and 1988
17. Energy Expenses for On-Farm Pumping of Irrigation Water by Type of Energy: 1994 and 1988
18. Investment in Irrigation Equipment, Facilities, and Land Improvement: 1994 and 1988
19. Expenses for Maintenance and Repairs of Irrigation Equipment and Facilities: 1994 and 1988
20. Irrigation Water From Off-Farm Suppliers: 1994 and 1988
21. Farms With Diminished Crop Yields Resulting From Irrigation Interruption by Cause: 1994 and 1988
22. Selected Crops Harvested From Irrigated Farms: 1994 and 1988
23. Estimated Quantity of Water Applied and Method of Distribution by Selected Crops: 1994 and 1988
24. Application of Chemicals in Irrigation Water and Times Irrigated by Selected Crops: 1994 and 1988
25. Other Uses of Irrigation Water: 1994 and 1988
26. Irrigated Farms by Farm Size: 1994 and 1988
27. Irrigated Farms by Standard Industrial Classification: 1994 and 1988
28. Irrigated Farms by Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1994 and 1988
29. Methods Used in Deciding When to Irrigate: 1994 and 1988
30. Water Management Practices for Operations Using Gravity Flow Systems: 1994 and 1988
31. Irrigators Participating in Federal Commodity Programs and/or Making Special Provisions for Wildlife Habitat: 1994 and 1988
32. Energy and/or Water Conservation Improvements: 1994 and 1988
33. Barriers to Making Improvements to Reduce Energy or Conserve Water: 1994 and 1988
34. Sources of Irrigation Information Used to Reduce Irrigation Costs or Conserve Water: 1994 and 1988
35. Discontinuance of All Irrigation Since 1992 by Reason: 1994