1. Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold by County: 1992
2. Average Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
3. Average Value of Agricultural Products Sold for Farms With Sales of $10,000 or More: 1992?
4. Average Value of Agricultural Products Sold Per Acre of Land in Farms: 1992?
5. Value of Agricultural Products Sold as Percent of Value of Land and Buildings and Value of Machinery and Equipment: 1992?
6. Value of Agricultural Products Sold as Percent of Value of Land and Buildings and Value of Machinery and Equipment for Farms With Sales of $10,000 or More: 1992?
7. Value of Crops Sold: 1992?
8. Value of Crops as Percent of Agricultura Products Sold: 1992?
9. Average Value of Crops Sold Per Acre of Harvested Cropland: 1992?
10. Value of Grains as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold 1992?
11. Value of Cotton and Cottonseed as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
12. Value of Tobacco as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
13. Value of Hay, Silage, and Field Seeds as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
14. Value of Vegetables, Sweet Corn, and Melons as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
15. Value of Fruits, Nuts, and Berries as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
16. Value of Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Mushrooms, and Sod as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
17. Value of Livestock, Poultry, and Their Products Sold: 1992
18. Value of Livestock, Poultry, and Their Products as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
19. Value of Poultry and Poultry Products as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
20. Value of Dairy Products as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
21. Value of Cattle and Calves as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
22. Value of Hogs and Pigs as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992?
23. Value of Sheep, Lambs, and Wool as Percent of Agricultural Products Sold: 1992