34. Age, sex, and other groups enumerated for various classes of livestock 1940, with approximatedly comparable groups, 1900 to 1935
35. Farms reporting and value of farm products not fed to livestock on farms where produced, classified by twelve principal sources of income, for the United States, 1899
36. Farms reporting and value of farm products, classified by value of farm products not fed to livestock on farms where produced, for the United States, 1899
37. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm househoulds, classified by major source of income, 1939; and by type of farm, 1929; for the United States
38. Value of specified livestock on farms, by Divisions and States: 1910 to 1940
39. Value of specified livestock products, by Divisions and States: 1909 to 1939
40. Value of specified crops harvested and forest products, by Divisions and States: 1909 to 1939
41. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, with percentage of farms reporting and percent distribution of value of farm products, by source of income, by Divisions and States: 1939 and 1929
42. Farms classified by total value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, by Divisions and States: 1939 and 1929
43. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, classified by major source of income, 1939; and by type of farm, 1929; by Divisions and States
44. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, classified by major source of income, by Divisions and States, 1939
45. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, classified by total value of products, by Divisions and States, 1939
46. Farms reporting and value of farm products sold, traded, or used by farm households, with average values per farm and percent distribution of value of products by source of income, by Divisions and States: 1939 and 1929
47. Number of farms, percent of all classified farms, and average value per farm of farm products for farms classified by ten major sources of income, by Divisions and States, 1939