8. Farms, Land in Farms, and Land Use, by Islands: 1960 to 1975
9. Size of Farm by Islands: 1960 to 1975
10. Farm Location, Source of Financing, and Farm Labor, by Islands: 1975
11. Farms and Land in Farms, by Tenure and Place of Birth of Farm Operator and by Islands: 1960 to 1975
12. Field and Forage Crops by Islands: 1960 to 1975
13. Vegetables by Islands: 1960 to 1975
14. Fruits, Nuts, and Ornamental Plants and Other Nursery Crops, by Islands: 1960 to 1975
15. Livestock and Poultry, by Islands: 1960 to 1975
16. Equipment and Facilities, by Tenure of Farm Operator and by Islands: 1960 to 1975
17. Workpower Used by Islands: 1975 and 1970
18. Selected Farm Production Expenses by Islands: 1960 to 1975
19. Farm Income and Sales, by Islands: 1975 and 1970
20. Days Worked Off Farm by Islands: 1960 to 1975