1. Number of farms, 1940; value of all farm products, 1939; all and in farms, 1940; cropland harvested, 1939; and value of land and buildings, 1940; classified by total value of farm products, 1939; for the United States and divisions
2. Number of farms, by size of farms, 1940; classified by total value of farm products, 1939; for the United States
3. Number of farms, by size of farms, 1940; classified by total value of farm products, 1939: for the United States and divisions
12. Cooperation - Farm operators reporting business with or through cooperatives, 1919 to 1939; and by tenure, 1939; by divisions and States
13. Farm labor - Farms reporting and number of family and hired laborers working on farms during specified weeks, by divisions and States: Censuses of 1940 and 1935
14. Farm labor, by color and tenure of operator - Farms reporting and number of family laborers and of hired laborers by classes, working on farms during specified weeks, by divisions and States: Census of 1940
15. Cash wages paid, by color and tenure of farm operator, by class of laborer, by divisions and States, 1939
16. Specified farm expenditures - Farms reporting and amounts expended, with quantities of commercial fertilizer and liming materials, by divisions and States: 1939 and 1929
17. Specified farm expenditures, by color and tenure of operator - Farms reporting and amounts expended, with quantities of commercial fertilizer and liming materials, by divisions and States, 1939
18. Automobiles and motortrucks on farms - Farms reporting and number, by divisions and States: 1940, 1930, and 1920
19. Tractors on farms - Farms reporting and number, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1940
20. Automobiles on farms - Farms reporting and number, with year of latest model, by color and tenure of farm operator, by divisions and States, Apr. 1, 1940
21. Motortrucks on farms - Farms reporting and number, with year of latest model, by color and tenure of farm operator, by divisions and States, Apr. 1, 1940
22. Tractors on farms - Farms reporting and number, with year of latest model, by color and tenure of farm operator, by divisions and States, Apr. 1, 1940
23. Farms reporting electricity and telephones, by divisions and States: 1940, 1930, and 1920
24. Farms classified by kind of road adjoining farm, 1940 and 1930; and residence of farm operator, 1940; by divisions and States
25. Farms reporting electricity and telephones; farms by kind of road adjoining farm; and farm operators residing on farms; by color and tenure of operator; by divisions and States, 1940