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2. Introduction

1. Introduction


1. Flow chart

2. Farm and Ranch Schedule facsimiles

3. Schedule files

4. Composite Farm and Ranch Schedule (crop portion only)

5. Punch card facsimiles

6. Electric card punch machine

7. Geographic codes punched from M.C.D separation sheet

8. Punching the A card

9. Punching the L card

10. Reproduction punching

11. Collator

12. The L listing sheet and collation specifications

13. Sorter

14. Tabulator

15. Critical analysis

16. Result slips (facsimiles)

17. Summary cards and result slips

18. Critical analysis forms

19. County table forms

20. M.C.D tables

21. Examples of published data

22. Plantations, Irrigation, Drainage, Territories and Possessions (facsimiles of schedules and cards)

1. Introduction

Samples of Graphic Uses Made of Census Data

1. Percent reporting major source of income from livestock, livestock products, 1939 (Successful Farming)

2. Tractors per 1,000 farms (Successful Farming)

3. Fertilizer consumption by counties - Alabama (The National Fertilizer Association)

4. Article taken from "Sales Management", May 1, 1943

5. Farmers selling cooperatively, 1919, 1924, 1929, 1939 (Selling and Buying Cooperatively by Farmers - Farm Credit Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

6. Farmers transacting business with cooperatives, 1939 (Selling and Buying Cooperatively by Farmers - Farm Credit Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

7. Vegetable Belts - South Carolina (South Carolina State Planning Board)

8. Beef, hogs, sheep, 1940 - South Carolina (South Carolina State Planning Board)

9. Morrow County, Ohio: Map showing farm location, Census of Agriculture, 1940, including distribution of farms in 2 - percent sample

10. Morrow County, Ohio: Map Cardington Township (enlargement of selected area of Morrow County)

11. Morrow County, Ohio: Map showing buying areas of farm operators (cooperative survey - U.S. Bureau of the Census with Magazine Marketing Service): Usual place of buying farm machinery (Magazine Marketing Service)

12. Morrow County, Ohio: Map showing buying areas of farm operators (cooperative survey - U.S. Bureau of the Census with Magazine Marketing Service): Usual place of buying groceries (Magazine Marketing Service)

13. Morrow County, Ohio: Map showing buying areas of farm operators (cooperative survey - U.S. Bureau of the Census with Magazine Marketing Service): Usual place of buying men's work clothing (Magazine Marketing Service)

14. Farm electrification data by States, 1942 compared with 1940 (Edison Electric Institute)

15. 30% of passenger cars on farms are 10 years old or over (Automobile Facts and Figures - Automobile Manufacturers Association)

16. A reduced facsimile of the 2 - color cover of "The Farm Market", a farm market data book, prepared by "Country Gentlemen"

17. Sample of the 385 pages of Farm Market Data prepared by "Country Gentlemen"

18. County rank tables - showing the leading counties in acreage, production, or value, etc.

1. Introduction


1. Three stages in the preparation of visual-analysis cards - blank form ready for transcription, transcribe card, and coded and slotted card

2. Three cards each representing a farm and farm family. All of the information used in the study concerning the farm and the operator's family is carried on one card

3. Pack of slotted cards before beginning exploratory studies of relationships

4. Sorting slotted cards by means of a needle

5. Cards sorted to show the relationships existing between size of farm and selected characteristics

6. Cards designed primarily for visual-analysis purposes

7. Cards sorted first by size of farm, then each size group halved to illustrate the stability of the relationships visible

8. Cards sorted to show the effect of tenure on size of farm, also, that some characteristics related to size of farm are not affected by tenure

9. Graphic illustration of the changes in number of farms by tenure which accompany changes in the size of farms used in these examples

10. Farms reporting automobiles compared with those not reporting automobiles. In these examples characteristics associated with large farms rarely appear on cards representing farms not reporting automobiles

11. Graphic illustration of the proportions shown in figure 10

12. Cards representing farms reporting trucks are shown below the heavy line

13. Relative lengths of bars indicate the changing proportions in these examples of farms reporting trucks in six size-of-farm groups

14. Cards sorted to separate farms reporting tractors from those not reporting tractors. Cards used in these examples show most of the smaller farms in the nontractor group

15. Bar graph showing, for the farms represented by the cards in figure 14, the increase in proportion reporting tractors as the size of farms increases

16. Progressive selection. Final group of cards, shown at top, represents farms reporting automobiles, tractors, and trucks, and having electricity available