1. Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
2. Farms and farm acreage according to use, by size of farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
3. Farms and farm acreage, by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
4. Farm operators by color, age, residence, and off-farm work; and equipment and facilities on farms: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
5. Specified farm expenditures and farm labor: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
6. Livestock and poultry on farms, number and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
7. Livestock and livestock and poultry products sold: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
8. Farms reporting, acreage, quantity harvested, and sales of crops: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
9. Nursery, greenhouse, and forest products: Censuses of 1920 to 1959
10. Characteristics of places not counted as farms because of change in definition of farm: 1959
11. Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1959 and 1954
12. Farms reporting classified by number of livestock on farms and by quantity of livestock and livestock and poultry products sold: Censuses of 1959 and 1954
13. Farms reporting classified by acres harvested, quantity harvested, and quantity sold for selected crops: Censuses of 1959 and 1954
14. Hired farm labor and wage rates, Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by economic class of farm, Census of 1959
15. Hired farm labor and wage rates, Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by type of farm, Census of 1959
16. Hired farm labor and wage rates, Censuses of 1959 and 1954; and by size of farm, Census of 1959
17. Farms and farm characteristics by economic class of farm: Census of 1959
18. Farms and farm characteristics of commercial farms by type of farm by economic class of farm: Census of 1959
19. Farms and farm characteristics by type of farm: Census of 1959
20. Farms and farm characteristics by size of farm: Census of 1959
21. Farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator: Census of 1959