1. Items needed to obtain comparability of data for earlier census years with those for 1959, for total cropland, cropland pastured, and other pasture ( not cropland and not woodland)
2. Total, rural, and farm population, for the United States: 1850 to 1959
3. Average number of persons per farm, with per capita data for land in farms, cropland harvested, and value of farm products sold, for the United States: Censuses of 1850 to 1959
4. Number of farms, all land in farms, and value of farms, for the United States: 1850 to 1959
5. Major uses of land in the United States: 1890 to 1959
6. All land in farms and specified uses of land, for the United States: Censuses of 1850 to 1959
7. Farms by number of acres of cropland harvested for the United States: 1949 to 1959
8. Average acreage per farm reporting, of the several classes of land according to use, by regions: 1959 and 1950
9. Number of farms, all land in farms, and value of farms, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1950
10. Land in farms classified according to use, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
11. Number of farms reporting the several classes of land according to use, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
12. Total cropland, total pasture, and total woodland in farms, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
13. Major uses of land, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
14. Farms by acres of cropland harvested, by divisions and States: 1959, 1954, and 1949
15. Percent of all land in farms represented by the several classes of land according to use, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
16. Percent of farms reporting the several classes of land according to use, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
17. Average acreage per farm reporting, of the several classes of land according to use, by divisions and States: 1959 and 1954
18. Cultivated summer fallow, 1959 and 1954; and cropland used only for soil-improvement cropas and other cropland not harvested and not pastured, 1959: for specified States
19. Irrigated farms - number and acreage irrigatede by divisions and States: Censuses of 1959, 1954, and 1950
20. Specified land - use and conservation practices, by divisions and States: 1959
21. Number of farms, all land in farms, cropland harvested, and value of farms, by regions and States: Censuses of 1850 to 1959