1. Farms reporting and acres irrigated for the 1960 Survey of Irrigation in Humid Areas as compared with the 1959 Census of Agriculture, by States
2. Farms reporting and acres irrigated by States: Censuses of Agriculture, 1959 and 1954, and surveys of irrigation, 1960 and 1955
3. Farms reporting, acres irrigated and constructed reservoirs 1960 and 1955, acres irrigated by source of water and method of irrigation, type of power, and supplementary uses of irrigation, 1960: by States
4. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated, source of water, method of irrigation, constructed reservoirs, and type of power, by size of farm and acres irrigated, by States: 1960
5. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated, type of power, and constructed reservoirs, by source of water, by States: 1960
6. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated, type of power, and constructed reservoirs, by method of irrigation, by States: 1960
7. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated, type of power, and constructed reservoirs, by size of farm, by States: 1960
8. Farms reporting irrigation and acres irrigated, 1960 and 1955, and type of power, and constructed reservoirs, 1960, by acres irrigated, by States
9. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated, type of power, and constructed reservoirs, by tenure of operator, by States: 1960
10. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated, type of power, and constructed reservoirs, by year irrigation began, by States: 1960
11. Farms reporting irrigation, acres irrigated and type of power, by use of constructed reservoirs, by States: 1960
12. Farms reporting and acres of irrigated crops by acres irrigated and fequency of irrigation, by States: 1960
1. Farms reporting, acres irrigated by source of water; acres of crops by number of times irrigated, and crops irrigated, for States and selected counties: 1960