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2. Introduction

1. State Tables

1. Irrigated farms - number and acreage irrigated by divisions and States: Censuses of 1959, 1954, and 1950

2. Irrigated farms - all land and irrigated land classified according to use: Censuses of 1959 and 1954

3. Farms reporting and acres of land and selected crops - irrigation for 18 States: 1959

4. Irrigation crop summary - farms reporting, acreage, production, and value of production for 18 specified States: 1959 and 1954

5. Specified crops irrigated - farms reporting, acreage, and production, 1959, 1954, and 1949; and quantity sold, 1959; for 19 specified States

6. Number of farms, irrigated farms, land irrigated, number of irrigation organizations, and land irrigated by irrigation organization: 1890 to 1959

7. Number of irrigation organizations and acreage irrigated by type of organization: 1920 to 1959

8. Number and characteristics of irrigation organizations, by drainage basins: Censuses of 1959 and 1950

9. Land irrigated by source of water, by drainage basins: Census of 1959

10. Number and characteristics of irrigation organizations, by type of oranization, type of service, quantity of water delivered per acre, and size of organization, by drainage basins: Censuses of 1959 and 1950

11. Number and characteristics of irrigation organizations, by States: Censuses of 1959 and 1950

12. Land irrigated by source of water, by States: Census of 1959

13. Organizations reporting, quantities of irrigation water obtained from specified sources, and water lost in conveyance: 1959 and 1949

14. Capital investment in irrigation organizations, 1959, 1950, and 1940; and new capital investment, 1940 to 1959

15. Organizations reporting by type of service to water users and acre-feet delivered: 1959

16. Number of organizations classified by number of farms provided with water: 1959 and 1949

17. Number and characteristics of irrigation organizations, by type of organization, type of service, quantity of water delivered per acre, and size of organizations, by States: Censuses of 1959 and 1950

18. Number and characteristics of irrigation organizations by type of organization, by size of organizations, and new capital investment: Censuses of 1959 and 1950

19. Number of irrigation organizations, type of service, new capital investment, and water conveyed, by size of organization: Census of 1959

20. Organizations reporting quantities of irrigation water delivered direct to farms and to other organizations, 1959 and 1949; for uses other than irrigation, 1959; and average quantity of water delivered to farms per acre of irrigated land, 1959, 1949, and 1939

1. Acreage of irrigated land for the 17 Western States and Louisiana

2. Acreage of irrigated land by major drainage basins in the 17 Western States and Louisiana: 1959 and 1949

3. Percentage distribution of total acres irrigated, by source of water, by States: 1959

4. Irrigated acreage of specified crops and pasture in the 17 Western States and Louisiana: 1959

5. Location of major drainage basins in the 17 Western States and Louisiana

6. Location of submajor drainage basins for which intrastate tables are presented

7. Location of submajor drainage basins for which interstate tables are presented

8. Irrigated land in farms

9. Farms with irrigation

10. Irrigated land as a percent of all land in farms, 1959