1. Farms With irrigation and Irrigated Land, for the United States, 19 Western States, and all Other States: 1950 to 1964
2. Irrigated Farms - Number, total Land in Farms, and Irrigated Land, by Use, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
3. Irrigated Farms - Farms and Acreage, by Use, by Regions and States: 1964
4. Irrigated Farms - Number by Total Acres Irrigated and by Acres of Cropland Harvested, 1964; and Irrigated Cropland Harvested as a Percent of Cropland Harvested, 1964 and 1959, by Regions and States
5. Total Acres Harvested and Acres Harvested From Irrigated Land for Selected Crops, for the United States: 1964
6. Total Acres Harvested and Acres of Vegetables Harvested From Irrigated Land, for the United States: 1964
7. Acres Harvested and Acres Harvested From Irrigated Land for Selected Crops, for the United States: 1964 and 1959
8. Farms and Land Irrigated for all Crops and Acres and Quantity Harvested for Selected Crops Harvested From Irrigated Land in 17 Wester States, Louisiana, and Hawaii: 1964 and 1959
9. Crops Irrigated - Acres of Selected Crops Harvested From Irrigated Land, by Regions and States: 1964
10. Irrigated Crops - Farms, Acres Harvested, and Quantity Harvested for Selected Crops Harvested From Irrigated Land, by Regions and States: 1964
2. Percentage of Harvested Acreage Fertilized and Percentage Change From 1954 to 1959
3. N Rates Applied per Fertilized Acre
4. Available P Rates Applied per Fertilized Acre
5. K Rated Applied per Fertilized Acre
11. Commercial Fetilizer - Farms, Acres Fertilized, Quantity of Fertilizer and Fertilizing Materials Used, and Expenditures for Fertilizer Materials, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
12. Specified Crops Fertilized - Farms, Acres Fertilized, and tons of Fertilizer and Fertilizing Materials Used, by Crop, by States: 1964 and 1959
13. Lime - Farms, Acres Limed, and Tons of Lime Used, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
1. Part 3 - Other Land Improvement Practices, Crop Diversion, and Use of Sprays and Dusts to Control Insects and Diseases on Animals
14. Land-Use Practices, by Regions and States: 1964 and 1959
15. Land Treated for Control of Insects and Diseases - Farms and Acres Treated for Control of Insects and Diseases, by Crop, by Regions and States: 1964
16. Land Treated for Control of Weeds, Grass, or Brush - Farms and Acres of Crops and Pastureland, by Regions and States: 1964
17. Livestock Treated Externally for Control of Insects - Farms and Number, by Regions and States: 1964