1. Full PDF

2. Introduction

1. 74-M5 - Agricultural Operations Excluded by 1974 Farm Definition but Not 1959 Farm Definition: 1974

2. 74-MP3 - Agricultural Operations Excluded by 1974 Farm Definition as a Percent of All Farms: 1974

3. 74-M61 - Land in Farms: 1974

4. 74-M1 - Number of Farms: 1974

1. Minimum Criteria for Census Farms of 3 Acres and Over: Censuses for 1850 to 1974

2. Minimum Criteria for Census Farms of Under 3 Acres: Censuses for 1850 to 1974

3. Estimates of Census Coverage by Value of Sales Group: 1974, 1969, and 1964

4. Percentage of Farms Included in the Census by Value of Sales: 1974

5. Characteristics of Farms Missed in the Census: 1974

6. Percent Distribution of Census Reports Filled by Date Completed: 1974

7. Farms and Value of Products Sold by 1974 and 1959 Definitions with Comparable Data for Agricultural Operations Excluded by 1974 Definition: 1974 and 1969

8. Characteristics of Agricultural Operations Qualifying as Farms by the 1959 Definition but Excluded by 1974 Definition: 1974 and 1969

9. Counties by Number of Farms: 1974

10. Number and Percent of All Farms Adjusted for Nonresponse for Selected Items: 1974

11. Estimates of the Reliability of Published Totals for Selected Items: 1974

1. Appendixes