1. Establishments, Receipts, and Payroll: 1978 and 1974
2. Labor and Payroll: 1978 and 1974
3. Supplemental Labor Cost: 1978 and 1974
4. Seasonal Variation of Employees Working During the Pay Period Through the 12th of Each Month: 1978 and 1974
5. Establishments, Receipts, and Payroll, by Type of Organization: 1978 and 1974
6. Establishments by Gross Receipts : 1978 and 1974
7. Establishments by Number of Agricultural Service Activities Performed: 1978 and 1974
8. Establishments and Receipts by Activity: 1978 and 1974
9. Gross Receipts From Products Provided in Connection With Services Performed: 1978 and 1974
10. Capital Expenditures and Gross Value of Depreciable Assets by Type of Organization: 1978 and 1974
11. Establishments by Employment Size nd Payroll: 1978 and 1974
12. Cotton Ginning and Pickery Establishments nd Gross Receipts: 1978 and 1974
13. Establishments, Receipts, and Payroll, by State: 1978 and 1974
14. Labor and Payroll by State: 1978 and 1974
15. Seasonal Variation of Employees Working During the Pay Period Through the 12th of Each Month by State: 1978 and 1974
16. Establishments, Gross Receipts, and Payroll, by Type of Organization and by State: 1978 and 1974
17. Establishments by Gross Receipts and by State: 1978 and 1974
18. Establishments by Number of Agricultural Service Activities Performed and by State: 1978 and 1974
19. Establishments by Employment Size, Payroll, and State: 1978
20. Establishments, Receipts, and Payroll, by Size Class and by State: 1978
21. Establishments by Employment Size, Type of Organization, Payroll, and by Region: 1978
22. Establishments, Receipts, and Energy Expenditures, by Standard Industrial Classification, and by State: 1978
23. Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Supplemental Labor Cost, by Standard Industrial Classification, and by State: 1978 and 1974
24. Reporting Units and Gross Receipts by Activity: 1978
25. Establishments, Receipts, Capital Expenditures, and Gross Value of Depreciable Assets, by SIC, and by State: 1978
26. Establishments and Employees: 1978
27. Establishments, Receipts, Payroll, and Employees, by County: 1978
28. The 100 Leading Counties Ranked by Gross Receipts for Agricultural Services: 1978 and 1974