1. Introduction

2. Full

3. Figures

4. Map

1. Historical Highlights: 1997 and Earlier Census Years

2. Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold and Direct Sales: 1997, 1992, and 1987

3. Farm Production Expenses: 1997, 1992, and 1987

4. Net Cash Return From Agricultural Sales: 1997 and 1992

5. Government Payments and Other Farm-Related Income: 1997 and 1992

6. Commodity Credit Corporation Loans: 1997 and 1992

7. Land Use: 1997, 1992, and 1987

8. Land in Farms, Harvested Cropland, and Irrigated Land, by Size of Farm: 1997 and 1992

9. Irrigation: 1997, 1992, and 1987

10. Selected Characteristics of Irrigated and Nonirrigated Farms: 1997 and 1992

11. Value of Land and Buildings: 1997, 1992, and 1987

12. Value of Machinery and Equipment on Place: 1997 and 1992

13. Selected Machinery and Equipment on Place: 1997 and 1992

14. Petroleum Products Expenses: 1997, 1992, and 1987

15. Agricultural Chemicals Used, Including Fertilizer: 1997, 1992, and 1987

16. Tenure and Characteristics of Operator and Type of Organization for All Farms and Farms Operated by Black and Other Races: 1997, 1992, and 1987

17. Selected Characteristics of Farms by Specified Racial Groups, Sex of Operators, and Persons of Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Origin: 1997 and 1992

18. Selected Characteristics of Farms by North American Industry Classification System: 1997

19. Selected Characteristics of Reservations and Abnormal Farms: 1997 and 1992

20. Poultry-Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

21. Layers, Pullets, and Pullet Chicks � Number Sold: 1997 and 1992

22. Poultry - Inventory and Sales by Farms With Layers and Pullets 13 Weeks Old and Older: 1997

23. Turkeys - Number Sold: 1997

24. Cattle and Calves-Inventory: 1997 and 1992

25. Cattle and Calves-Sales: 1997 and 1992

26. Cattle and Calves Herd Size by Inventory and Sales: 1997

27. Cow Herd Size by Inventory and Sales: 1997

28. Beef Cow Herd Size by Inventory and Sales: 1997

29. Milk Cow Herd Size by Inventory and Sales: 1997

30. Cattle and Calves - Number Sold Per Farm by Sales: 1997

31. Hogs and Pigs - Inventory: 1997 and 1992

32. Hogs and Pigs - Sales: 1997 and 1992

33. Hogs and Pigs - Litters Farrowed: 1997 and 1992

34. Hogs and Pigs Herd Size by Inventory and Sales: 1997

35. Hogs and Pigs - Inventory and Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1997

36. Hogs and Pigs - Inventory, Sales, and Litters by Total Litters Farrowed: 1997

37. Sheep and Lambs - Inventory, Shorn, and Sales: 1997 and 1992

38. Sheep and Lambs - Inventory, Shorn, and Sales by Size of Flock: 1997

39. Ewes 1 Year Old or Older - Inventory, Shorn, and Sales by Size of Ewe Flock: 1997

40. Other Livestock and Livestock Products - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

41. Specified Crops Harvested - Yield Per Acre Irrigated and Non-Irrigated: 1997

42. Specified Crops by Acres Harvested: 1997 and 1992

43. Specified Fruits and Nuts by Acres: 1997 and 1992

44. Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Cut Christmas Trees Harvested, Mushrooms, and Sod Grown for Sale by Value of Sales: 1997 and 1992

45. Farms by Concentration of Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1997

46. Summary by Tenure of Operator: 1997

47. Summary by Type of Organization: 1997

48. Summary by Age and Principal Occupation of Operator: 1997

49. Summary by Size of Farm: 1997

50. Summary by Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1997

51. Summary by North American Industry Classification System: 1997

52. Summary by Combined Government Payments and Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold: 1997

1. County Summary Highlights: 1997

2. Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold and Farms by North American Industry Classification System: 1997 and 1992

3. Farm Production Expenses: 1997 and 1992

4. Net Cash Return From Agricultural Sales, Government Payments, Other Farm- Related Income, Direct Sales, and Commodity Credit Corporation Loans: 1997 and 1992

5. Hired Farm Labor-Workers and Payroll: 1997

6. Farms, Land in Farms, Value of Land and Buildings, and Land Use: 1997 and 1992

7. Harvested Cropland by Size of Farm and Acres Harvested: 1997 and 1992

8. Irrigation: 1997 and 1992

9. Machinery and Equipment on Place: 1997 and 1992

10. Agricultural Chemicals Used,Including Fertilizer: 1997 and 1992

11. Tenure and Characteristics of Operator and Type of Organization: 1997 and 1992

12. Farms With Sales of $10,000 or More: 1997 and 1992

13. Selected Crops Harvested: 1997 and 1992

14. Cattle and Calves - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

15. Hogs and Pigs - Inventory, Litters, and Sales: 1997 and 1992

16. Poultry - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

17. Sheep and Lambs - Inventory, Shorn, and Sales: 1997 and 1992

18. Horses and Ponies - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

19. Milk Goats - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

20. Angora Goats - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

21. Mink and Their Pelts - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

22. Colonies of Bees and Honey - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

23. Fish Sales: 1997 and 1992

24. Miscellaneous Poultry - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

25. Miscellaneous Livestock and Animal Specialties - Inventory and Sales: 1997 and 1992

26. Grains - Corn, Sorghum, Wheat, and Other Small Grains: 1997 and 1992

27. Cotton, Tobacco, Soybeans, Dry Beans and Peas, Potatoes, Sugar Crops, and Peanuts: 1997 and 1992

28. Field Seeds, Grass Seeds, Hay, Forage, and Silage: 1997 and 1992

29. Vegetables, Sweet Corn, and Melons Harvested for Sale: 1997 and 1992

30. Land in Orchards: 1997 and 1992

31. Fruits and Nuts: 1997 and 1992

32. Berries Harvested for Sale: 1997 and 1992

33. Nursery and Greenhouse Crops, Cut Christmas Trees Harvested, Mushrooms, and Sod Grown for Sale: 1997 and 1992

34. Other Crops: 1997 and 1992

35. Farms Operated by Black and Other Races by Value of Sales and Occupation: 1997 and 1992

36. Farms Operated by Black and Other Races by Tenure: 1997 and 1992

37. Operators by Selected Racial Groups: 1997 and 1992

38. Operators of Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino Origin: 1997 and 1992

39. Farms With Grazing Permits: 1997 and 1992


2. Adair

3. Alfalfa

4. Atoka

5. Beaver

6. Beckham

7. Blaine

8. Bryan

9. Caddo

10. Canadian

11. Carter

12. Cherokee

13. Choctaw

14. Cimarron

15. Cleveland

16. Coal

17. Comanche

18. Cotton

19. Craig

20. Creek

21. Custer

22. Delaware

23. Dewey

24. Ellis

25. Garfield

26. Garvin

27. Grady

28. Grant

29. Greer

30. Harmon

31. Harper

32. Haskell

33. Hughes

34. Jackson

35. Jefferson

36. Johnston

37. Kay

38. Kingfisher

39. Kiowa

40. Latimer

41. Le Flore

42. Lincoln

43. Logan

44. Love

45. McClain

46. McCurtain

47. McIntosh

48. Major

49. Marshall

50. Mayes

51. Murray

52. Muskogee

53. Noble

54. Nowata

55. Okfuskee

56. Oklahoma

57. Okmulgee

58. Osage

59. Ottawa

60. Pawnee

61. Payne

62. Pittsburg

63. Pontotoc

64. Pottawatomie

65. Pushmataha

66. Roger Mills

67. Rogers

68. Seminole

69. Sequoyah

70. Stephens

71. Texas

72. Tillman

73. Tulsa

74. Wagoner

75. Washington

76. Washita

77. Woods

78. Woodward


2. Adair

3. Alfalfa

4. Atoka

5. Beaver

6. Beckham

7. Blaine

8. Bryan

9. Caddo

10. Canadian

11. Carter

12. Cherokee

13. Choctaw

14. Cimarron

15. Cleveland

16. Coal

17. Comanche

18. Cotton

19. Craig

20. Creek

21. Custer

22. Delaware

23. Dewey

24. Ellis

25. Garfield

26. Garvin

27. Grady

28. Grant

29. Greer

30. Harmon

31. Harper

32. Haskell

33. Hughes

34. Jackson

35. Jefferson

36. Johnston

37. Kay

38. Kingfisher

39. Kiowa

40. Latimer

41. Le Flore

42. Lincoln

43. Logan

44. Love

45. Major

46. Marshall

47. Mayes

48. McClain

49. McCurtain

50. McIntosh

51. Murray

52. Muskogee

53. Noble

54. Nowata

55. Okfuskee

56. Oklahoma

57. Okmulgee

58. Osage

59. Ottawa

60. Pawnee

61. Payne

62. Pittsburg

63. Pontotoc

64. Pottawatomie

65. Pushmataha

66. Roger Mills

67. Rogers

68. Seminole

69. Sequoyah

70. Stephens

71. Texas

72. Tillman

73. Tulsa

74. Wagoner

75. Washington

76. Washita

77. Woods

78. Woodward

1. General Explanation

2. American Indian Farm Operations

3. Statistical Methodology

4. Report Forms

5. Conversion from the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System

6. Units of Weights, Measures, and Metric Converstion Factors

7. Index