1. All farms; and farms reporting electric distribution line within 1/4 mile, farm dwellings lighted by electricity, running water in farm dwellings, radios in farm dwellings, telephones in farm dwellings, all-weather road, and automobiles, for the U.S., by regions: 1945
2. Percent of farms reporting electric distribution line within one-fourth mile, farm dwellings lighted by electricity, running water in farm dwellings, radios, and telephones, for the United States: 1920 to 1945
3. Percent of farms reporting tractors, motortrucks, and automobiles, for the United States: 1920 to 1945
4. Farms reporting and number of motortrucks on farms, for the United States: 1920 to 1945
5. Farms reporting and number of tractors and number of work stock on farms, for the United States: 1920 to 1945
6. Farms reporting and number of automobiles for the United States: 1920 to 1945
7. Number of farms, by value of implements and machinery, for the United States: 1945
8. Percent distribution of number of farms by value of implements and machinery, by States: 1945
1. Specified farm facilities for the United States: 1920 to 1945
2. Roads - Farms classified by distance to nearest all-weather road, 1945; and by kind of road adjoining farm, 1940, 1930, and 1925; for the United States
3. Value of farm implements and machinery, 1850 to 1945; and motortrucks, tractors, and automobiles on farms, 1920 to 1945; for the United States
4. Number of farms, cropland harvested, and horses and mules on farms, 1920 to 1945; farms classified as to dwellings, 1945, and as to resident operators, 1945 and 1940; and rural farm dwellings, 1940; for the United States
5. Farms with electric distribution line within 1/4 mile, and electricity, running water, radios, and telephones in farm dwellings; by divisions and States: 1945
6. Electricity, running water, radios, and telephones in farm dwellings of resident farm operators, by divisions and States, January 1, 1945
7. Running water in farm dwellings, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1945
8. Electrc distribution line within 1/4 mile, 1945 and 1940; and farm dwellings lighted by electricity, 1920 to 1945; by divisions and States
9. Radios in farm dwellings, by divisions and States: 1945, 1940, and 1925
10. Telephones on farms, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1945
11. Farms by distance to nearest all-weather road, by divisions and States: 1945
12. Farms within 1/4 mile of all-weather road, 1945; and farms classified by kind of road adjoining farm, 1940, 1930, and 1925; by divisions and States
13. Value of farm implements and machinery, by divisions and States: 1945
14. Motortrucks, tractors, and automobiles on farms, by divisions and States: 1945
15. Motortrucks on farms, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1945
16. Tractors on farms, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1945
17. Automobiles on farms, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1945
18. Number of farms, 1920 to 1945; farms classified as to dwellings, 1945, and as to resident operators, 1945 and 1940; and rural-farm dwelling units, 1940; by divisions and States
19. Cropland harvested, 1919 to 1944; and horses and mules, 1920 to 1945; by divisions and States