1. Introduction

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1. Trends in population, farm labor force, and farm output in U.S. 1820 - 1954

2. Percent of farms reporting piped running water, home freezers, and television sets; for the United States and regions: 1954

3. Number of horses and mules, and tractors, for the United States: 1840 to 1954

4. Percent of farms reporting electricity and telephones, for the United States and regions: 1920 - 1954

5. Farms reporting and number of tractors and number of work stock on farms, for the United States and regions: 1920 to 1954

6. Percent of farms reporting tractors (other than garden), reporting work animals but no tractors, reporting no work power, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1954

7. Percent of farms reporting motortrucks, tractors, and automobiles, for the United States and regions: 1920 to 1954

8. Number of tractors per 1,000 acres cropland harvested, by geographic divisions: 1920 to 1954

9. Farms reporting and number of motortrucks on farms, for the United States and regions: 1920 to 1954

10. Farms reporting and number of automobiles on farms, for the United States and regions: 1920 to 1954

11. Percent of farms reporting grain combines, corn pickers, pick-up hay balers, field forage harvesters, electric pig brooders, power feed grinders, milking machines, and artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks; for the United States and regions: 1954

1. Television sets, number of farms reporting, October-November, 1954

2. Percent of farms reporting television sets, 1954

3. Piped running water, number of farms reporting, 1954

4. Percent of farms reporting piped running water, 1954

5. Percent of farms reporting home freezers, 1954

6. Farms reporting electricity - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954

7. Telephone - increase and decrease in number of farms reporting, 1950 - 1954

8. Percent of farms reporting electricity, 1954

9. Percent of farms reporting telephones, 1954

10. Tractors - increase in number, 1950 - 1954

11. Tractors on farms, number, 1954

12. Tractors on farms (excluding garden tractors), number, 1954

13. Crawler tractors, number, 1954

14. Percent of farms reporting tractors, 1954

15. Farms with tractor and no horses or mules, number, 1954

16. Farms with horses and/or mules and no tractor, number, 1954

17. Farms with tractor and horses and/or mules, number, 1954

18. Farms with no tractor, horses or mules, number, 1954

19. Garden tractors, number, 1954

20. Automobiles on farms, number, 1954

21. Motortrucks on farms, number, 1954

22. Motortrucks - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954

23. Corn pickers, number of farms reporting, 1954

24. Corn pickers - increase in number, 1950 - 1954

25. Grain combines, number of farms reporting, 1954

26. Grain combines - increase and decrease in number, 1950 - 1954

27. Pick-up hay balers, number of farms reporting, 1954

28. Pick-up hay balers - increase in number, 1950 - 1954

29. Field forage harvesters, number, 1954

30. Milking machines, number of farms reporting, 1954

31. Power feed grinders, number of farms reporting, 1954

32. Electric pig brooders, number of farms reporting, 1954

33. Number of farms with power grinders by type of farm, for the United States and areas, 1955

34. Number of farms reporting motortrucks for the United States and areas, 1920 - 1954

1. Farms reporting specified facilities, for the United States: 1920 - 1954

2. Specified farm equipment, for the United States: 1920 - 1954

3. Specified farm equipment - farms reporting and number, for commercial farms and for "Other farms," for the United States: 1954 and 1950

4. Reports of "Yes" or "No" to inquiries relating to specified facility and equipment items, for the United States: Census of 1954

5. Specified farm facilities - farms reporting, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1954

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6. Specified farm equipment - farms reporting and number, by divisions and States: 1954, 1950, and 1945

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7. Specified farm equipment - farms reporting and number, for commercial and other farms; by divisions and States: 1954 and 1950

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8. Tractors on farms, by divisions and States: 1920 to 1954

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9. Tractors on farms by kind of farms by numberr of tractors, by divisions and States: 1954, 1950, and 1945

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10. Farms by class of work power, 1954, 1950, and 1945; and number of horses and mules per 1,000 acres of cropland harvested, 1920 to 1954; by divisions and States

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11. Motortrucks on farms, by divisons and States, 1920 to 1954

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12. Automobiles on farms, by divisons and States, 1920 to 1954

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13. Specified farm equipment, number per 1,000 acres of selected crops harvested; by divisions and States: 1954, 1950, and 1945

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