1. Number of farms by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
2. All land in farms by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
3. Acreage of principal crops as a percentage of cropland harvested, by size of farm, for the United States: 1944
4. Percent distribution of all land in farms according to principal uses, by size of farm, for the United States, by regions: 1945 Census
5. Number of farms, by size of farm, for selected States and the United States: 1945 Census
6. Percentage of totals for selected items contributed by farms under 50 acres, 50 to 499 acres, and 500 acres and over, for the United States: 1945 Census
7. Percentage of farms reporting selected items, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
8. Average per farm reporting for selected items, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
9. Percentage distribution of farm income fro specified sources, by size of farm, for the United States: 1944
10. Percentage of farms reporting specified classes of work power, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
11. Percent of farms reporting specified equipment by size of farms, for the United States: 1945 Census - Tractors
12. Percent of farms reporting specified equipment by size of farms, for the United States: 1945 Census - Electric motors, 1/3 horsepower and over
13. Distribution of cost of feed bought and value of all livestock and livestock products (including poultry) sold, by size of farm, for the United States: 1944
14. Percent of farms reporting specified facilities by size of farms, for the United States: 1945 Census - Kitchen sink with drain
15. Percent of farms reporting specified facilities by size of farms, for the United States: 1945 Census - Running water in dwelling
16. Percent of farms reporting specified facilities by size of farms, for the United States: 1945 Census - Electricity in dwelling
17. Percentage of farms reporting automobiles and percentage of farms reporting automobiles under 5 years of age, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
18. Farm operators classified by age by years on farm, and by work off farm, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census - Farm operators classified by age
19. Farm operators classified by age by years on farm, and by work off farm, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census - Farm operators classified by years on farm
20. Farm operators classified by age by years on farm, and by work off farm, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census - Farm operators classified by work off farm
21. Percentage distribution of farms with value of products of less than $600, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census
22. Distribution of farms in each size-of-farm group, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1945 Census
23. Distribution of farms in each value-of-products group, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1945 Census
1. A. Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated State totals by size of farm for specified items
2. B. Sampling reliability of estimated item totals for States by size of farm for specified numbers of farms reporting, by levels
3. C. Farms, farm characteristics, and value of farm products, by size of farm, for the United States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
4. 1. Number of farms, farm land classified by principal uses, value of farms and of implements and machinery, and farms reporting cropland harvested by acres harvested; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
5. 2. Number of farms classified by value of land and buildigs and farms reporting value of farm implements and machinery classified by amount reported; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
6. 3, Farm operators classified by age, by years on farm, and work off farm; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
7. 4, Farm population and cash wages paid for farm labor, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
8. 5, Specified farm expenditures, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
9. 6, Resident farm operators, specified farm facilities in farm dwelling, farms classified by distance to an all-weather road, number of combines, and farms reporting milking machines; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
10. 7, Motortrucks on farms, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
11. 8, Tractors on farms and farms classified by class of work power, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
12. 9, Automobiles on farms, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
13. 10, Eletric motors and stationary gasoline engines on farms, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
14. 11, Livestock on farms, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
15. 12, Cows milked, milk produced, dairy products sold, and number of livestock sold; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
16. 13, Farm slaughter, chickens on hand, eggs produced, chickens raised, and turkeys raised; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
17. 14, Corn for all purposes; oats, barley, and wheat threshed; and hay cut; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
18. 15, Tobacco, cotton, Irish and sweet potatoes, vegetables grown for home use, and vegetables harvested for sale; by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
19. 16, Land in fruit orchards and specified fruits, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture
20. 17, Value of all farm products sold or used by farm households, by size of farm, by States: 1945 Census of Agriculture