1. Farms classified by acres of improved land, for the United States: 1870 and 1860
2. Number of farms under 3 acres in size, percent of all farms, minimum value of products, and index numbers of prices received by farmers, for the United States: 1880 to 1945
3. Number of farms under 10 acres in size, with land in farms, for the United States: 1880 to 1945
4. Number, acreage, and value of farms with number of farms classified by acres of cropland harvested; by size of farm; for the United States: Census of 1945
5. Number of farms with no land owned or leased, by States: 1945 andd 1940
6. Farms of 10,000 acres and over - Number, acreage, and value, for the United States: Censuses of 1945 and 1940
7. Number of farms by size of farm, for the United States: 1880 to 1945
8. All land in farms by size of farm, for the United States: 1900 to 1945
9. Specified classes of land in farms according to use, by size of farm, for the United States: Censuses of 1900 to 1945
10. Value of farms, by size of farm, for the United States: 1900 to 1945
11. Average acreage per farm of all land in farms by divisions and States: 1850 to 1945
12. Number of farms, all land in farms, and value of farms, 1945, 1940, and 1935; and specified classes of land according to use, 1944,1939, and 1934; by size of farm; by regions and States
13. Number of farms of 10,000 acres and over, by divisions and States: 1945 and 1940
14. Number of farms cross-classified by acres of cropland harvested, by size of farm and by regions and States: Census of 1945
15. Value of farm, land and buildings, per farm and per acre, by size of farm, by divisions and States: 1945
16. Number of farms by size of farm, by regions and States: 1880 to 1945