1. Average date of enumeration, by regions and States: 1954 Census of Agriculture
2. Number of cards punched and number of punched cards selected by mechanical edit for further verification, by card type, for the United States: 1954 Census of Agriculture
3. Summary of sample adjustment by geographic division: 1954 Census of Agriculture
4. Summary of sample adjustment by size of farm for the United States: 1954 Census of Agriculture
5. Sampling reliability of estimated totals for State, region and United States data by number of farms reporting, by levels
6. Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated totals for specified items for the; A - United States, B - North, C - South, D - West
7. Number and acreage of placed enumerated and not counted as farms, by geographic divisions: 1954 Census of Agriculture
8. Estimates of underenumeration for number of farms and selected items for the United States: 1954 and 1950 Census of Agriculture
9. Estimates of underenumeration for number of farms by size of farm for the United States: 1954 and 1950 Census of Agriculture
10. Estimates of underenumeration for number of farms classified by acres of cropland harvested for the United States: 1954 Census of Agriculture
11. Estimates of underenumeration for number of farms classified by economic class for the United States: 1954 Census of Agriculture