3. Number of farms, land in farms, farms reporting and acres of cropland harvested, and average value of land and buildings, for commercial farms, by type of farm, by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
4. Specified characteristics of farm operators; specified facilities; motortrucks, automobiles, and tractors on farms; and number of farms by class of work power; by type of farm, for commercial farms, by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
5. Workers on farms, expenditures for feed, horses and mules, cattle, hogs, and chickens, by type of farm, by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950
6. Farms reporting and acres of corn harvested for all purposes; acres of hay, tobacco, and cotton harvested; and land in fruit orchards; by type of farm, by regions and States: Censuses of 1954 and 1950