56. Livestock - Inventory: 1974 and 1969
57. Poultry - Inventory: 1974 and 1969
59. Poultry - Sales: 1974 and 1969
60. Any Livestock - Inventory and Sales: 1974 and 1969
63. Beef Cows and Heifers That Had Calved - Inventory by Number Per Farm: 1974
65. Cattle - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
66. Calves - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
67. Fattened Cattle - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
68. Cattle and Calves - Sales of Specified Classes by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
69. Cattle and Calves - Inventory and Sales by Number of Cattle and Calves, Cows, and Beef Cows Per Farm: 1974
70. Cattle and Calves - Inventory and Sales: 1974
71. Cattle and Calves for Farms With Cows - Inventory and Sales: 1974
72. Cattle and Calves for Farms With Beef Cows - Inventory and Sales: 1974
74. Value of Dairy Products Sold - By Number of Milk Cows Per Farm: 1974
75. Cattle and Calves - Inventory and Sales by Number of Milk Cows Per Farm: 1974
76. Cattle and Calves on Farms With Milk Cows - Inventory: 1974
77. Summary by Number of Cattle and Calves Sold - Fattened on Grain and Concentrate: 1974
81. Other Hogs - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
83. Hogs and Pigs - Inventory and Sales by Number of Hogs and Pigs, Hogs and Pigs Sold, and Litters Farrowed Per Farm: 1974
84. Hogs and Pigs for Farms With Inventory - Inventory and Sales: 1974
85. Hogs and Pigs for Farms With Sales - Inventory and Sales: 1974
86. Hogs and Pigs for Farms With Litters Farrowed - Inventory and Sales: 1974
88. Hogs and Pigs - Litters Farrowed by 6-Month Period and by Number Farrowed Per Farm: 1974
89. Summary by Number of Hogs and Pigs Sold: 1974
91. Ewes 1 year Old or Older - Inventory by Number Per Farm: 1974
93. Sheep and Lambs - Inventory and Sales by Number of Sheep and Lambs and Ewes 1 Year Old or Older Per Farm: 1974
94. Sheep and Lambs for Farms With Inventory - Inventory and Sales: 1974
95. Sheep and Lambs for Farms With Ewes 1 Year Old or Older - Inventory and Sales: 1974
96. Goats - Inventory: 1974
97. Goats and Goat Products - Sales: 1974
99. Hens and Pullets of Laying Age - Inventory by Number Per Farm: 1974
100. Poultry - Inventory by Number of Chickens 3 Months Old or Older Per Farm: 1974
101. Pullets Not Yet of Laying Age - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
102. Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
103. Turkeys - Sales by Number Sold Per Farm: 1974
104. Ducks, Geese, Squabs, Pheasants, Quail, and Other Poultry - Inventory: 1974
105. Ducks, Geese, Squabs, Pheasants, Quail, and Other Poultry - Sales: 1974
106. Colonies of Bees, Mink, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Foxes, and Other Livestock - Inventory: 1974
107. Colonies of Bees, Mink, Rabbits, Chinchillas, Foxes, and Other Livestock - Sales: 1974
108. Fish - Sales: 1974
109. Acres Under Water for Fish Production: 1974
110. Catfish: 1974
111. Trout: 1974
112. Other Food-Type Fish: 1974
113. Tropical Fish: 1974
114. Other Fish: 1974