1. Farms and Ranches: 1974 - 2002
2. Farms by Size: 1997 and 2002
3. Distribution of Farms by Economic Class: 2002
4. Net Cash Farm Income: 2002
5. Selected Farm Production Expenses: 1997 and 2002
6. Estimated Value of Land and Buildings: 2002
7. Farms by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); 2002
8. Type of Organization: 2002
9. Age of Principal Operator: 2002
10. Tenure of Principal Operator: 2002
11. Primary Occupation of Principal Operator - Farming or Other
12. Sex of All Operators: 2002
13. Operators by Ethnicity and Specified Race: 2002
14. Computer Usage: 2002
15. Top 3 Counties for Selected Items